Hi everyone,
I ended up on HairTell when I was reading up on laser and have since then been trying to read up on electrolysis instead. I’m really happy I’ve found this community and reading everyone’s diaries is very inspiring and comforting.
I’m a too-soon to be 30 female, originally from Iran, with pale enough skin for the black hair to be incredibly visible. It’s long and it’s everywhere… It’s been taxing to have to deal with all the body hair before doing normal things like going to the gym, going swimming or just wearing a t-shirt/skirt - I’m so sick of it and ready to do what it takes to get rid of it. At first I was thinking of maybe traveling to see Josefa but I quickly realized how busy she is and how busy I am. I don’t really have the vacation days to do out of town sessions so I decided to try to find someone where I’m located (Stockholm, Sweden) first.
A handful of candidates remained after my google-search screening, everyone who was offering both electrolysis (well, thermolysis) and IPL were weeded out and today I had my first consultation. It went ok, it stung more than I thought it would, like a a quick needle stab but still trivial and the hair would slide out just fine, no resistance there. However, there were two things that I’m unsure about:
[li]The first time she inserted the needle she was explaining what she was doing so it was kind of in slow motion (I’m inserting the needle now…I’m gonna zap you now) but once she started picking up her pace it felt like the actual insertion was painful, I wonder if that’s because I couldn’t follow the speed so I thought it was the insertion or if well, it was the insertion? :crazy: How can you tell the difference?
[/li][li]She zapped the same (?) follicle 2-4 times several times. I added the (?) because she seemed to have lost track of what hair she was treating, to me it looked like she tried pulling out a different hair than the hair she actually treated so I’m not even sure she managed to zap the same follicle when she couldn’t get the hair out…maybe she zapped a different one and then she couldn’t pull the hair out again…and again. BUT at least she didn’t want to just pluck the hair, when she felt the resistance she zapped it again (and again, and again ). What am I to make of this?[/ol]
[/li]All in all, I’m very happy that I’ve finally started this journey and hope to add my story in the success thread in due time. In the meantime I’ll update this thread with my (grotesque) before and (lovely) after photos.