My first Brazilian

Well, I had my first professional Brazilian last week. It was pretty difficult to find someone who would do a Brazilian for a male. I emailed about 25 different spas and salons and finally found 2 who would.
Anyways, it looks like allot of the hairs were just broken and are causing ingrowns. She also took off a few layers of skin in 3 spots on my most sensitive area, which caused scabs to form. To top it off, there are allot of hairs that were just completely missed.
My question is this, is this normal for a first-timer??? I know that the first time is supposed to be the worst and it gets better each time you get it done. Should I give this place another chance or should I go to the other spa next time?

Go to the other spa. My first brazilian was a great result with none of the problems you’re describing.

No. They should be more careful.

You may want to look at more laid back places than full on fancy spas. Many smaller places with nail salons and barber shops etc do waxing. Just make sure the place is clean. There are also waxing ladies that work from home. See ads on Craigslist etc.

Thanks for the advice. I think that I will go to the other spa next time.

I did try Craigslist and found a woman who works at a spa that only offers brazilians to women. She’s never done a male brazilian before, but, she would be willing to come to my house to do it. Sounds convient, but I don’t think that I want to be someones first time. Especially after this experience.

Sorry to hear about that bad experience! There ARE waxers who have been trained in male Brazilians…hope you can find one! I wouldn’t risk doing it with an untrained person. I know that the Satin Smooth training materials include male Brazilians. Maybe you can find a practitioner who uses this kit who has been trained in it.