my facial buff experience...

Just tried the hair-off facial buffer…I’m not devastated, but I dont think that I’ll use it again.

I took the thing and moved it around on my upper lip in very gentle circles for a couple of seconds until enough hair was gone…I wasn’t badly damaged…and the redness has gone away now (an hour later) but it’s still sore and I feel like if I were to wash my face or even touch my upper lip it would flare up again instantly. when I first finished (buffing) even though I’d felt like I was being as gentle as I could be…my skin felt very sore and raw and i was bleeding in 3 or 4 little tiny spots. To the credit of the product, the bleeding stopped very quickly and it doesn’t look like it’s going to scab up or anything nasty like that…but

I tried this thing out because I normally use a sally hansen pre-waxed strips kit on my upper lip every 2 months or so and that works pretty well except that sometimes it makes my face break out…probably from the oil that I use to remove the residual wax and the fact that it makes my skin sore for the next day so I dont want to touch it and oil builds up or something…regardless…I thought that the facial buff might be nice because it would exfoliate the skin and blah blah blah…but I guess I should’ve known better than to think that I could really use enough friction to remove hair on my face without hurting myself.

so anyway…yeah…my verdict is that that buffer is just as irritating as waxing and i’ll have to do it every day instead of every other month, so i will not be using it again.

Yes, I find that buffers are not a good idea on sensitive face skin. Maybe legs or ars if the hair is thin. I have to rub too hard to get the hair off, and by the tiem i do it, the skin is red as you described.

Anyone who does want to try this shoulkd test it on an area not near the face.