My Experience with Lightsheer URL with photos

Hi guys,

Here is an update of my own experience of the lightsheer diode laser after 2 treatments on whole legs. Sorry it has taken me so long to get my act together and update the site, but what can I say?? I’ve been too busy admiring my new low-hair-legs… :grin:

I am due for the third treatment in a couple of weeks, and hope to post some photos of the results a couple of months after that one, so you can see how wonderfully it is working!

From my initial scepticism of laser treatment (too good to be true and all that!), I am a confirmed convert. What a truly marvelous invention it is!

Anyway, if you want to read about my experience and results so far, please follow this link.

Bye for now, and good luck! :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow! Thanks for such a detailed report, fleabag! This is exactly what I encourage readers to do-- you will help others make more informaed decisions, and you are definitely giving hope to those in a similar situation!

I am absolutely delighted that you results have been beyond your expectations to date, and definitely keep us updated!

To all HairTell readers, I’d like to remind you that finding a good practitioner is vital to getting good results, so choose carefully if you want to be as pleased as others here.

Once again, I am impressed by your willingness to help others, fleabag, and as always, I am so proud of the help we’re all offering each other here. Yay team!

That is an excellent write up so far… Well done - I will look forward to the next installment…

I have to admit I was and still am somewhat skeptical of the permanancy of LASER treatments… but your experience is interesting…



[ February 28, 2003, 06:25 PM: Message edited by: IHH ]

I for one am not surprised at all by the results. It looks like you have a great practitioner! Contrary to what some detractors may say, lasers, the Lightsheer in particular, can produce great results!

Notice the fluence levels she was treated at, 45-55J. Not everyone can go that high but on lighter skin with dark hair it is possible. I haven’t gone any higher than 45J myself. I beleieve I got best results at 100ms pulsewidth also and had less redness.

Congratulations and keep up the good work.
