For anyone who’s interested. I still go weekly for 2 hours, but only about 30 minutes of that time is spent on my face. The only hair I have remaining on my face is little blonde ones. Some of these get too long, or are a little coarse, and get removed. However, much time is spent searching around for hairs to zap, and I don’t have any visible facial hair except under extreme magnification. I am also having nape of neck and fingers done, and will be starting work on my feet, around my nipples (ouch!) and “down there” prior to my SRS. I am very pleased with my electrolysis progress.
Which leads me to my next issue: skin damage. A while back, I posted that it looked like I had some skin damage on my lip and chin from electrolysis treatment. However, as time as gone by and treatments taper off, that “damage” has vanished. I believe that what I thought was damage was actually pigmentation and swelling from intensive treatments. Since the areas have been left basically unmolested, the skin is now soft, smooth, and free of any imperfection.
Next week I start laser on my underarms. If all goes well, I will be having laser on large areas of my body, followed by electrolysis to pick up whatever doesn’t respond. I am very optimistic that my problems with unwanted hair are finally close to being over.