I had my first consultation with an electrologist today. It went really well. The lady is very experienced (22 years), BIAE registered, and talked thoroughly about the hair removal method, including the different types she can use.
After looking at my skin and asking questions she determined that Diathermy would be best. At first she would like me to keep to a fortnightly appointment gap, allowing my skin to heal properly between treatments and advised that it may take two years of treatments before the areas on my face are cleared.
A test patch has been done around and near my jaw-line. This did feel a little uncomfortable, much like an super-fast injection, and then afterwards a little hot, like a mosquito bite. After 5 hours, there are still little raised bumps but they are really small.
Just a Quick Q, I forgot to ask about energy and type of machine etc… Does this vary alot, meaning is it vital finding this out before choosing an electrologist? Thanks.
I was so nervous about the appointment this morning, though it wasn’t as bad as I had feared. I am so pleased I gave it a go. I will see how the tested area heals over the next few days and write again.