My electrolysis journey - issywissy

I have just started electrolysis at Parkside Beauty Clinic in London. I had a consultation last Saturday to address the issue of coarse, thick, chin hair which has deep roots.

I am female, 40, of afro-carribean descent. I have a hormone imbalance and began plucking the fine hairs on my chin. I have also used an epilator on my cheeks. Now that fine hair is more noticeable.

My plan is to have 30 minute sessions, twice weekly for a couple of months and then I hope to be able to space out the treatments and length of time required for treating the hairs.

I will then move unto the other facial areas that bother me. I am hoping for a greater reduction of hair, with a finer texture to those that remain.

My first 30 minute session was yesterday. I have been using witch hazel and aloe vera gel on the chin area. I have 5 white spots which look like folliculitis (sp) which I do get at times. Is this normal? Any further treatment suggestions for this?

Thank you.

Sometimes a tiny pustule will appear. Treat it gently. No picking or squeezing, okay? Witch hazel and aloe vera are perfect.

Hi issywissy,

In one of the treads recently, Mr. Bono was making the case for one longer appointment rather than many shorter ones, so the skin can heal. If the electrologist and client can handle it.

I will try to find the post but perhaps once you get into it, you may one to think about a 1hr session weekly or every 2 weeks (depending on the amount of hair you have). Perhaps ask Sharon for her opinion?

Use tea tree oil at night and witch hazel during the day and the side effects should disappear fast.

You should try to schedule longer appointments. You don’t really need to come in often. You just need to clear the area ASAP. Then you just come in every 2-3 weeks to CLEAR the area each time, so however long that takes.

Thanks for the reassurance Barbara…its good to know that this can happen.

Stoppit, that is a good idea as I am worried that my skin will not heal in time for my session on Tuesday. If I still have these pustules will Sharon be able to work on that area?

LAgirl, thanks for your input which does reinforce stoppit’s view about the length of the sessions. Ido not have tea-tree oil but will buy some as soon as possible.

If my skin is still reacting tomorrow should I cancel my Tuesday appointment?

Thanks gain everyone.

I would. Let your skin totally heal before doing more. Just a note here, please use just a dab of tea tree oil on bothersome spots. You don’t need much. Never double dip. Put a clean cotton swab in, close the bottle right away and then dab the troubled spots.

You can go twice weekly as long as she is not returning to work on the same area. If it is a new area, then fine. Can she not do longer appointments? I personally like to clear and have the client return to me in 3-6 weeks depending on the situation. We like that amount of time so the skin to recover well.

Dee, I’m sold on longer appointments with more recovery time.

I have more pustules coming through. unfortunately I have no access to tee-tree oil but will get some tomorrow. Thanks for the double dip tip.

I willl attend on Tuesday, as they are closed on Mondays and have a 24 hour cancellation policy. I will ask her to work on corners of my upper lip. Is that a good idea considering my reaction?

Any thoughts very welcomed.

As long as she works on an area that hasn’t been touched before where the skin is fine, you’ll be fine.

Ok, I’ve worked out how to upload pics on here…i thinik.

So here are some pictures of the spots I described.




My skin has healed now, since yesterday. I went today and planned to have my upper lip done, however she looked at my chin and said that it was fine to work on. I decided to trust her, as an expert. I hope that is the right thing to do. I do trust Sharon actually.

That’s a lot of swelling and whiteheads. How long after the treatment was this taken? It looks like overtreatment to me if this is more than 12 hours afterwards.

I took the pictures on the day as a record - probably 4-6 hours later. I have aloe vera gel on and my skin is generally blotchy due to irritation from the hairs sigh.

It was fine yesterday.

I did speak to the electrolysis but did not have the pictures to show her. She was worried that it did sound like overtreatment but my skin was clear and had no scabs when she examined it today. If it is a problem again I will speak to her and ensure I show her the pictures. I had transfered those pictures from my phone before…silly really but didn’t want them on my phone in case someone looked!

It looks infected to me. Madonna Mia!

LAgirl and Michael, thanks for your interest and your response. I do not believe that my skin is infected. It appeared to be back to noral yesterday. My skin is very problematic as a rule!
I had treatment today and here is a pic 2-3 hours later.

If it is infected…help!!!


keep your hands off the treated area
often, clients will touch the skin to feel for hairs and this is a habit that often leads to pustules
once clients stop touching their faces, they heal faster
If you need to touch, wash your hands immediately prior

That recent photo looks okay — not great, but I do not see the kind of infection that we all dread. Always, if you think you have a serious infection, RUN to the doctor! Do not waste time — learn the hallmarks of the “bad infections.” (TEad it on-line, of course.)

If you are prone to infections, and want to be extra safe, you may wash the area with Hibiclens before your treatment. This is a mild surgical soap that is over-the-counter and often used in surgery. Hibiclens knocks down the bacteria for a full 24 hours. (You may even wash afterward with it.) Do not use it all the time, only for treatment purposes — you do not want to disrupt your normal skin “flora.”

Another interesting use for Hibiclens (but do NOT abuse this). If you wash your underarms with this liquid soap, you will sweat, but have no odor for 24 hours — because the bacterial count is way down. (Nice to use if you’re going for an all-day hike.)

If I’m treating “personal areas,” I have the patient wash with Hibiclens before and after the treatment. In such moist areas that harbor bacteria, this works great. Again, use in moderation: overuse will irritate your skin.


I would like to persuade you to not have any more treatments until the area is totally healed. Did your electrologist give you written aftercare instructions after verbally instructing you what to do and what not to do?

I think the area looks less angry than the prior pictures, but it is still a little rough.

Yes, it still looks a bit rough to me. I would leave it alone completely at this point and wait for it to look as if nothing has been done before you go back in. That may take 1-2 weeks.

I would use witch hazel during the day and tea tree oil at night instead of aloe vera.

Arlene…I am phobic about having my face touch - except for treatment. That is very easy advice to follow - thank you.

Michael - I will ask at the chemist to see if they have something similar to purchase, as I am in the UK.

Dee - yes you have peruadsed me - its scissors and bleach for at least a week. I plan to try another electrolysis in my area for my upper lip/cheeks. She use thermosomething (sorry to be so ignorant). The hair is dark but not thick or coarse. I wonder if that modality would be effective? I’m thinking of an hour’s work.

LAgirl…thanks. I will heed your advice. Why do you suggest that routine?

Just wanted to say I really appreciate the input and I feel less anxious about the process. I just want to be hairfree sob. Feeling a little wobbly, sorry.

All modalities are effetive in good hands. Thermolysis is fastest.

Most people on this forum would suggest that routine because we find it works best and heals fastest.

Probably thermolysis. This will probably be fine for finer hair on the face. For the deep rooted curly hairs, blend is likely better.

You need to get some tea tree oil, to prevent the whiteheads or Michael’s suggestion.

I think it will get better. If you’re going to continue, maybe just remain with 30min treatments once every week or two until you get to a level where the hairs are coming out but the skin isn’t being so aggravated. Then you can think about longer appointments. At the moment I think it’s still a case of finding what will get those difficult hairs out and therefore maybe ending up over treating a bit. Although since you say your skin healed (appearance wise) after a few days, I think it wasn’t as bad as it looked.

Had you left it another week or two before you next appointment. I don’t think you’re skin would have looked as ‘rough’ as it did either.

You will get there, electrolysis works!

I agree with the aftercare routine. It’s exactly what I do. Tea Tree Oil on the first day when I get home is a must to prevent any possible whiteheads. Witch Hazel for skin healing.