Hi! I found this forum when I was first looking at electrolysis last summer for my abdomen (ie. “happy trail”) area. I have done extensive searching on information for women with the problem of hair growth on the abdomen and come to the conclusion that it’s either pretty rare or that no one is talking about it. Since there’s only a few references I could find on this site about women with abdominal hair growth, I decided to share my story so other women in similar situations can find some information and comfort here (hopefully)!
I have been getting electrolysis since 7/8/08 (intermittently - I’ve only had 6 visits and spent about $150 thus far), and although I have no before pictures, I think I will post some pictures of my progress here. My goal is bikini ready by this summer (hence my user name). I don’t know what is causing this strange hair growth. Neither of my sisters have hair on their abdomens like I do, but I don’t have growth elsewhere like the face where other women seem to have problems. I started noticing darker than normal hairs on my stomach when I was about 17, I think. I was tweezing obsessively and growing increasingly frustrated and scarred up until I finally decided to take action last summer.
As far as my body type, I am slender and have generally irregular periods, which I hope doesn’t mean PCOS fingers crossed. I used to be really active up until about 2 years ago. I haven’t been exercising regularly lately, but I still consider myself to be moderately fit. Anyway, I will be having some medical screenings next week that will tell me if anything strange is going on with my body, and I’ll post here if I find anything out.
Also, I just had an appointment today and I’m wondering if my electrologist is starting to use too much current. I have been really good about tolerating the pain, so she has continually been turning it up I think, and I haven’t had any problems until today I noticed a handful of little white blisters or bumps. I take that to be a bad sign, and I’m watching closely to see what happens, but can anyone here give me details before I go back for my next visit. I’m all for having the heat cranked so I can get more for my money, unless it’s likely to scar or result in permanent damage. I trust my electrologist, but is this the point where I have to tell her to back down?
Thanks in advance!
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got time for now… hope people will find my story helpful!