My electrolysis diary..

Hi Amaniee,

Ive been twice so far, my first session was in January for 5 hours and I have just had another session on 21 march for 4 hours and 45 mins. My electrologist is very lovely and works around me as I do have to travel quite far. I’m hoping to go again near end of may for another 5 hour session.

Hi Guys,

Sorry I haven’t been back to update, been very busy! Here are some photos a day before my 2nd treatment, sorry about the quality as lighting was very poor

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left eyebrow.JPG

middle brow.JPG

right eyebrow.JPG


This time round I had a session of 4 hours and 45 mins, and I found it to be very painful, more painful then the first time. We couldn’t get a clearance on the forehead as we had to take it slow as it was quite painful for some reason. I also forgot to take EMLA with me which could have helped. I was fine with the upper lip without EMLA and managed a hour on that, I was also fine on the eyebrows too. The pain was unbearable on the forehead.

The swelling was not as much as the first time round, my face was back to normal by Tuesday (5 days post treatment) and I didn’t get many whiteheads either.

Here are some pics, 1 day post treatment.

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left eyebrow.JPG

middle brow.JPG

right eyebrow.jpg

Thanks for the Info! It looks great:)

Well done HCD, you are making wonderful progress.

Awesome, i can’t imagine how much more satisfying it is for you to look in the mirror now!

Almost two months after second session now, time passes quickly! How’s it looking?

Any new updates? :slight_smile:

Those last photos look great. I am not making any progress like you are seeing. After over 34 hours and 12 months (on my whole face- accelerated vellus), I still have as many hairs around my mouth as before (not to mention the rest of my face), but they look worse because of the damaged follicles causing the hair to grow in odd directions. Was it easy for your electrologist to treat the upper lip? Did the hairs get lighter and/or harder for her to see? As mine are blonde, I worry I am being dismissed as being picky, but when the hairs are long and now curling up and extremely obvious (especially when in light), I don’t think it is unreasonable to expect an outcome like yours. I don’t mean to sound like a whinge, and I am truly happy for your progress, I would just like to hear if you, or anyone else, has had any trouble achieving what you want from treatments. I even wash my face before appointments and mark the worst hairs with mascara. When I get to the appointment, she wipes them all off and I come home with most of the same hairs I marked still there. It makes me wonder what she is actually removing… This is the second electrologist I have tried, and I like her treatments otherwise (newer machine, better for my skin etc…). Can I also ask, does threading not affect the hair follicles like waxing or plucking (ie long term trauma to follicles that causes changes in direction of hair growth)? Thanks, and I apologise again for the long-winded whinge. I am starting to sound like a broken record.

Any updates on HCD’s progress? My case is very similar to yours so would like to know if you are still undergoing electrolysis or have finished?