Hi Alicia,
Thanks for the compliments. Unfortunately I would say that in my case enlightenment is more attained from having been treated unfairly. Also in that I seem to relate very well to women.
Hi Nikki,
I had another electrologist once who was “moralistic and upright”. Though she seemed really nice on the surface, she was totally hateful towards anyone who didn’t think like her. Every time I would get treated she would play the most staunch conservative radio stations, or preachy church run stations and worse try to get me into a political discussion.
I don’t like anything political and try to avoid anything related, yet she had no hesitation to label me a liberal! It’s like if you’re not singing their song you may as well be one of, “them”. It was funny in that she is willing to take money from transsexuals, gays, or queers like me people, yet she constantly talks about us as if we immoral freaks and weirdos who need to be prayed for. I could not agree with you more. It’s best to just get far away from people like that.