I have a big problem here…
My electrologist doesn’t want to hear and understand that all hairs of all phases can be treated by electrolysis!
It s been more than one year that i grow my ugly mustache and brows that drives me insane , to have the best results , according to the informations i had gotten from this forum… For nothing , because she keeps plucking " hairs with no roots" .
As a client , I should be ignorant about the system of electrolysis ?
Since 2015 , I have seen 5 different so called professionnals in France and it is always the same old disappointment and anger , and loss of money and time.
Is there any document on the Internet that i can show them so they understand at last?? I am not trying to educate them , I just want to be HAIR FREE! WHY DO THEY HAVE SO MUCH EGO INSTEAD OF LISTENNING ? I told her twice very gently , i’ve made a considerable effort because i am very shy, but always the same answer…" ive done professional électrolysis for 10 years so nobody will teach me that hairs without roots can be treated , only young hairs can be ! I Am the professionnal blablabla"
there is another professionnal, she is the only one that treats all hairs , even the telogen ones , but she doesnt want to treat me during summer because of the risks of hyperpigmentation increased by the Sun…I explained that i use an SPF 50 and that i work at home but she didnt care… she asked me to keep my facial ugly hairs until end of September…plus, last time she treated me i had very bad reaction. I ve paid 90euros for 100 hairs removed while the first time i ve paid same price for 400 hairs removed.( she is overpriced, electrolysis in France is very long road and pain in the …)
And she doesnt want to remove the tiny black one because , according to her, upperlip needs some hairs to protect from aging…
It seems to me that my skin heals better with thermolysis treatment( done by the professionnal plucker)
Now I must choose and i need your advices please…wait until september and have no social life or continue with the arrogant plucker and tell her NOT to pluck my telogen ones again ?
Last time i told her so, she said she needs to make “some space” so she can treats the anagen ones better…
I am lost , I am battling with that since end 2005.