My 2 Year Experience: Laser on my BACK+SHOULDERS, 24 yr old male.

It’s possible to treat people with darker skin with the Lighsheer without burning the skin by using longer pulse width. I believe your limited results are because you have been treated with IPL and I think that you should at least try the Lighsheer to see if it works on you or not.

You mentioned that you are planing to get electrolysis too, do you know any good clinics in Stockholm offering electrolysis. I’m also thinking of trying electrolysis to remove hair from areas where I have very little hair left after having most of it removed with laser.


Maybe I will try LightSheer and se how it works.
There are many places in the Stockholm area where you can get electrolysis (or “diatermi” that is mostly used in swedish). But I found one place that seems rather good (but there are others too). Här är länken till deras hemsida:

And here is a article from Näringslivs Respons about the place:

I have a question. You said that your practitioner is rather thorough when zapping you with the laser and that she doesn’t miss so many patches. When having a thorough treatment like that couvering most of the area you wanted to treat, was the regrowth still very patchy and patterned?

My regrowth has had patchess and patternes, but only on the places she missed. I meen, I don’t think that hair populations naturaly grow in geometric formations although my practitioner tried to convince me that “this is a new population of hair”. But those hairs never shed at all while everything around them shed, like islands.

I hope with this new place that I’m going to be treated at and that wants you to come back after two weeks to treat patchess that were missed, my regrowth will be less patterned.

Thanks for the info regarding diatermisalongen.
My practitioner rarely misses any hair, I’m impressed with her beeing so carefull. Offcourse there is always some hairs that are missed but its very little and she always tell me to come back for a free touch up. Usually I can tell after about 1-2 weeks after the treatment if there has been any missed areas. The regrowth from the treatet areas comes back looking natural, no patches just less hair in cuantity.
What you are describing I believe is missed areas and your practitioner is probably lying to you. If most of your hair comes out after treatment and some patches dont they prabably missed them.


Yes, my practitioner or former practitioner is lying. They don’t want you to demand touch up treatments.
Do you shave your back before treatment or do they just trim down the hair? Mine only trimmed and therefor it was very easy to see the missed patches; they continued to grow while the treated hairs didn’t.
But this new clinic I’m going to say that they always shave and that it will look like all hairs are growing when they are beeing “pushed out” of the skin. I think that maybe this will make it harder to detect missed patches in early stage.

I shave my back before treatment. You will still see the missed areas on an early stage because the hair in the missed areas grow faster then the treated areas. Already after 1-2 weeks you can defenetly tell wich areas was missed, atleast that’s how it works on me…

Have you tried any electrolysis (diatermi) or been on a consultation?


Okay, that sound good.
No, I have not yet tried diatermi or been at a consultation, I think I will inom en inte alltför avlägsen framtid, hehe. But a friend of mine (a guy) is going to have beard removed where it has grown to far up his cheeks (alltså inte allt skägg (!) utan bara det som växt över gränserna så att säga). I can update you on his experience. But he has not made an apointment yet.

make sure that you are closely shaved, not trimmed, before treatments. you want the full laser power to go to the roots of the hair and not waste energy on the pigment in hair above the surface.


Kan du berätta mer om varför du tycker att Gamla Stans Laser & Kirurgmottagning verkade vara okunniga?

Jag funderar på att köpa ett packet därifrån (1h/2300kr mycket billigt!), men har fortfarande inte varit där på konsultation. Eftersom jag bor i GBG så vore det intressant att veta vilka deras brister är innan jag åker till stockholm? de är ju trots allt experter inom området(Laser).

Förresten vad har du för hudfärg, är du en typisk iranier eller har du mörkare hudfärg?! Har du provat LightSheer?

Tacksam för svar

Hej mimiek!
Förlåt att jag inte har svarat men jag såg aldrig din fråga.
Vad gäller kliniken på Gamla stan så tror jag att jag råkade få en extremt menlös och okunnig tjej att konsultera med. Hon hade inte koll på något verkade det som och svarade på alla mina frågor med ett apatiskt “Ja, jag vet faktiskt inte”.
Men det är sant att de har mycket billiga priser, fast kliniken jag ska till i Solna tror jag nog är ännu billigare. Men de har mera “skräddarsydda” priser. Dvs de drog av väldigt mycket för mig eftersom jag ska behandla hela överkroppen.

Vad gäller min hudfärg så är jag brunare än genomsnittsiranier (i alla fall de iranier man brukar se i utlandet). Jag tror att jag ligger mellan 4-5 eller kanske 5 på dendär Fitzpatrick-skalan. I södra Iran finns nämligen många etniska grupper som är mycket brunare.
Jag har inte provat LightSheer, men jag vet inte hur effektiv den lasern är med tanke på min hudfärg.

Hej igen iranianboySweden

Jo jag undrade över din hudfärg eftersom mörkare personer behöver vanligvis fler behandlingar än ljusare personer. Hur som helst vore jag mycket tacksam om du kunde ge mig hemsidan till din laserklinik eller lite prisinformation. Jag är intresserad av att behandla stora delar av min kropp, hela ben, full bikini, hela armar, ansikte och mage. Mitt problem är att jag har mycket fina men mörka hårstrån på kroppen (speciellt magen), vilket är otroligt irriterande för en tjej. Jag har sett ställen som erbjuder helkroppsbehandlingar, men är osäker på vad som menas med detta.

Tacksam för svar

Okej, så du är en tjej. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />
Här är länken till kliniken i Solna:

Läkaren som äger stället är Syrian eller Syrier och en av tjejerna som behandlar är också syrian, hehe, så det känns coolt.
Priserna är olika. Men jag ska behandla hel rygg, bröst, mage och hela armar för ca 7000 kr per gång. Så jag tror nog att de kommer ta hänsyn till att du behandlar stora områden också, men som sagt så vet jag inte exakt hur de tar betalt per area. Men du kan ringa och fråga.
Har du jätte-tunt hår? Många iranska tjejer tar bort hår på armarna och i ansiktet med vax eller tråd, funkar inte det med din hud?

I can not understand the language of your post. Do you think laser treatment is effective on your back after 2 years? How much have you spent to this date (in dollars)? Is there less hair or is it like a “laser shave” that has to be repeated on a regular basis? How often do you have to be treated? How long is each treatment?

It would be interesting to get first hand reports from someone who had these treatments. Please answer my questions, if you can. I am treating a 34 year old woman who takes an anti-siezure medication. She grew a full male black beard (the hair on her head is light brown with blonde highlights and had to shave every day.) so I checked with the manufacturer of her medication and “hirsutism” is a side effect of treatment but they do not know what percentage of the patients develop this. I do not believe thet do not know as this medication has been on the market for many years and much data has accumulated on the side effects).

My patient had one laser treatment on her beard but when she went back for a second treatment they had closed their office. She paid (in advance) for 3 treatments so she was cheated. Many electrologists are treating patients who had laser treatments and the hair grew back. You will be providing much valuable information as to the efficacy of laser treatments.

If you want to answer me directly I included my e-mail address below but please do it in English.

Thank you.

Good Luck

Hello, I think that you have mixed me up with another person. I am the one that have been writing some of my posts in swedish, but I am not the one with 2 years experience. I have been undergoing IPL-treatments for about a year now.


Jag har mycket fint hår, en del tycker att det är dumt att lägga ner så mycket pengar för en sån liten sak.
Men usch vem orkar vaxa eller använda tråda, håret blir som små taggar när det växer ut <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />, jag har provat med att bleka håret på armarna men då har det blivit längre. Nu vill jag ta tag i saken o behandla allt som går att behandla. Även laserkliniken i beirut tyckte att jag inte borde behandla fint hår o att alternativet är att sola mycket vilket bleker håret o gör det “osynligt”.
Förresten jag skulle rekommendera att du köper tid som i gamlestans laserklinik, för 2 timmar skulle vara tillräckliga i ditt fall. I så fall skulle du betala 4600kr, vilket är rätt så billigt. Jag har även märkt att du har samlat ganska mycket information om laser vilket är bra om man misstänker att den som genomför behandlingarna har bristande kunskaper inom området.

Hello. I have been reading your posts on this board. Can you email me and let me know anything you can share about insurance claims.

are you referring to me?
I have no knowledge about insurance claims. What exactly would you like to know?

It’s his first post (on a 6 month old topic), the question has nothing to do with the topic, and his profile has no email address to respond to. I’d suggest you just ignore the question.

this is pretty difficult and you should start by obtaining a letter from a doctor stating that this procedure was caused by a medical condition and is not cosmetic, but rather necessary in nature – which is pretty hard to prove. the main thing that insurance companies claim as the reason they won’t pay is because it’s a cosmetic procedure that is not necessary for you to live a healthy life. there are some suggestions for how to approach this on the electrolysis part of this forum. use the search feature to find that thread. there are others’ experiences and sample letters etc there.