My 2 Year Experience: Laser on my BACK+SHOULDERS, 24 yr old male.

6 veckors intervall är för kort tid, 8-12 veckor är rimligare beroende på område och person. Själv brukar jag hålla mig inom dem intervallen. Håret brukar komma tillbaka efter 8 veckor och då bokar jag in en ny tid. Priserna på lasercenter är bra, det viktigaste är att behandla direkt när håren kommer tillbaka då de befinner sig i växtfasen. Det är endast hår i växtfasen som “dödas”. Väntar du för länge är risken att mycket av håret redan gått över till nästa fas och inte kommer att “dödas” av lasern. Sen är det också viktigt att suksesivt öka styrkan och behadla med så hög styrka som möjligt, självklart måste man vara försiktig för att undvika risken att bli brännd. Jag började med 30 joule och är nu uppe i 45 joule, nästa behandling ska jag be att hon höjer ytterligare. Många behandlas med för låg styrka och resultaten blir dåliga, allt under 20 är meningslöst anser jag. Jag tror att för att uppnå bra resultat måste man ligga över 40, gärna mer.
Om du påbörjar behandlingar på lasercenter är jag intreserad av att höra hur det går, om dem är bra eller dåliga.


Ja, när jag hade behandlat mig så brukade nya områden med hår som inte hunnit växa ut än spira, frustrerande. Jag tänkte att de på kliniken nog vet bäst, men synbarligen inte.
Har du haft bra resultat hittills av dina behndlingar? Själv upplever jag mest att mina mycket tjocka strån blivit mycket tunna men jag är inte säker på om antalet strån är så mycket reducerat, och jag misstänker jag att behandlingen orsakat hårväxt ovan mina nyckelben där jag inte haft hår.

Jag ska underätta dig om min erfarenhet av kliniken i Solna.


i’m lost in the conversation…anything important i missed???

but since we’re talking languages here, farsi harf mizani??

Hahaha, bale, fârsi sohbat mikonam. Shomâ irâni hastid?


<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Hello, I did answer you questions, but then this other man came who is from Sweden and I feel much more comfortable writing in swedish, and you didn’t say anything in a long time so I just started writing in swedish, sorry. Maybe we should write english so that others can understand too, but we gave eachother advices about different clinics here in Stockholm.


no problem at all. good luck with the treatments

Mina resultat hittills är olika beroende på område. Håret har reducerats i antal på alla ställen men det är långt kvar tills jag blir nöjd. Axlarna och övre delen av ryggen verkar inte gå lika bra som nedre delen av ryggen. Men antalet har reducerats på alla ställena, inte bara blivit tunnare som du beskriver din situation. Det verkar som folk blir nyfikna vad vi skriver och vi kanske borde fortsätta skriva på engelska i fortsättningen, om du vill skriva på svenska kan du alltid skicka ett mail till carter80 at gmail dot com


I’m happy that you are seeing good results. I think that maybe my skin colour which is brown plays a significant part in me not responding very good to treatment. Althoug I would bee happy with my hair getting much thinner and hopefully stay thinn! It’s not cheap getting thees treatments, hehe. I think that maybe I will have to do this my hole life and therefore hope the prices will fall in the future as more and more clinics open, you can already see this development. Maybe I will buy a lasermachine instead of a car when I’m finnished studying and start working, hehe. Then I can laser myself warm in the cold swedish winter <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />

Why would you continue something you are doubtful about and state that you will just continue the same path for the rest of your life?

there are postings on this and other forums from those who have had excellent long-lasting results on dark skin with a Yag laser. I don’t think you should be that negative. you just need to find a good tech with a Yag laser. judging from other postings, it is definitely possible to get rid of at least most of it permanently without having to do this for the rest of your life…

Hopefully, one day, they will invent some kind of gene therapy that will rid us of all unwanted hair. After all, it’s because of genetics!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Well md1239, I have no other option. I am seeing a significant thinning of my hair, and if this isn’t going to last for ever I will have to go in for treatments again. When your life has been completely controlled by your body hair, you are not spending money just to become beautiful or getting a make up, you are spendig money to bee able to live normaly. Of course this is not possible if you don’t have enough money, and this is a big issue for most people. But a hope my salary as a doctor will be enough to be able to get treatments when a need to. And maybe I will start treating people with laser myself in the future or even do research in the field of hair removal.
I’m actually going to do electrolysis too. My experience with electrolys (or actualy my cousin’s) is that it is permanent in the true meaning of the word. My female cousin who lives in Iran had facial hair at her side burns, under her chin and on her upper lip. Not as much as a male beard, but still real hair and un-normal. She had electrolysis done many years ago (maybe five or six years or longer) and she does not have hair any more, not more than any other iranian girl anyway, hehe. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Well lagirl, I don’t think that I am negative, maybe more realistic. Also unfortunately here in Sweden there are no clinics that use Yag laser for hair removal. The best there is for people with darker skin types is LightSheer and IPL machines.
I would like to ask you a question. I am going to be treated at a new clinic here in Sweden and they have both LightSheer and IPL (Starlux). They say that LightSheer hurs more than the IPL and that it takes longer because of the smaller contact spot size. Therefore they advice me to use the IPL machine. But isn’t a treatment that hurts more also more effective as it kills the hair follicles better??? I’m confused.

If I were you, I wouldn’t waste any more money on either one. With LightSheer, they will have to use low settings that won’t affect the hair and if they make them higher, it will burn your skin. Any settings under 25-30 joules will most likely not product results. If you do decide to try this, make them do a spot test first to see how your skin takes it and what is the highest settings your skin can take. The reason they are saying it will take longer is because they probably know that they will have to use very low settings on your that won’t produce results, but they will be telling you to come back in anyways because “it is taking long”, not because it’s just not working. This is a business after all, and you have to look out for your own interests. Pain level really varies from person to person. I think Yag lasers overall are more painful. I’m not sure about the differences between LightSheer and IPL, but I’m sure they are not significant. Usually, the higher settings, the more it hurts, on any one laser machine.

Check these out (I googled):

Head of Clinic: Dr Peter Noren MD Consultant Dermatologist
Address: Laserkliniken i Uppsala, Vastra Agatan 16, 75309 Uppsala, Sweden
Telephone: + 46 1810 2350 Fax: + 46 1810 0995
Laser: Ruby; Q-switched Ruby; long Nd:YAG; Diode, CO2

Treatments: Vascular lesions & pigmented lesions; Tattoos; Skin resurfacing; scars; hair removal.
General Anaesthesia: No (this lists all laser manufacturers with websites where you can search for a location in sweden with a Yag)

Box 27137
Stockholm (Sweden) 10252
Phone: 46 8 767 2700
Fax: 46 8 767 2706
(they seem to sell Yag lasers. maybe you can call and find out which doctors bought it and get a referral like that)

Try google in swedish too. I’m sure you will get more results that way.

Thankyou for your answer Lagirl.
The clinics in Sweden do have Yag lasers but the thing is that they are only used for tatoo removal and other treatments, but never hair removal.
I will consult with the clinic I’m going to get treated at, also I have good contact with a reputated dermatologist here in Sweden, Peter Norén, (actualy head of the clinic in Uppsala that you found on google)and I will talk to him about LightSheer settings etc. This Peter Norén thinks that I am possible to treat succesfully with LightSheer and he has also examined my skin and hair. But he did say that the practitioner is the most important factor and that a practitioner that knows what he or she is doing won’t just follow the instructions about settings that are delivered with the machine but will use his/hers experience and skill.
By the way, when I said that the clinic told me that treatment with LightSheer will take longer, I meant that each session will take longer because the spot size is smallet than the IPL’s spot size.

IranianboySweden: I hope my response was not taken as offensive. I merely suggested a different solution be tried if the current one was not satisfactory. Unwanted hair dominates my life too but I have slightly learned how to live with it in the meantime before I begin electrolysis. I have been shaving since April and for now it is ok, although sometimes it becomes problematic.

That is good to hear of your cousin’s satisfaction with electrolysis. Hopefully one day the two of us can report similar experiences =) With you being a doctor, you could probably pay for us both!


I wasn’t offended, don’t worry hehe. If a become a “hair remover” a can treat you for free <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />
What parts of your body are you shaving and what parts are you going to have electrolysis on? I have tried shaving but I gett bad skin.

Yes, practitioner skill is most important and if he said that himself, I would definitely let him try a treatment. Make sure he does a spot test of course and if the settings are high enough without causing burns, try it for one treatment and see how it goes from there. Good luck.

I currently shave my abs, chest, shoulders, and upper arms. It may sound like a lot but I’m not very tall or thick so it isn’t that much space to cover. I am somewhat hairy so that can at times complicate things. When I have electrolysis I want to completely clear the chest and shoulders, and thin the abs and upper arms.

I used to get really bad skin irritation from shaving too, but I guess since I have been doing it for a while the effects have lessened. I have found its best to let warm water run over the area for a bit, apply a thick lather of shaving cream and let it sit for about two minutes, then shave with a newer razor. Also, I don’t have the patience or will to shave every day or every few days, so I shave about once a week; pretty much about as soon as it begins to itch. This always allows for cleaner and smoother shaves for some reason.

As much as I disdain having to shave, it has actually become a very therapeutic practice for me. I would suggest giving it another try if unwanted hair has been plaguing you.

Ok, but I begin to itch like the next day hehehe. I think my hair grows very fast. But I will try your shaving method, I used neither warm water nor shaving cream the one time a shaved my chest and abdomen.