Hi there, im a male whos done 8 sessions of full body hair removal including face due to bodybuilding and have a few concerns about the upper lip area. The hairs are growing back very small and the blade from the DE razor is unable to shave them, even with tweezer its hard to pluck them, is there no solution to this issue besides continueing laser hair removal?
My 8 sessions was made using the nd yag laser, and now since im back in europe theres only diode laser which i have done 3 sessions of… the diode laser is giving my upper lip area whiteness and red/brownish hyperpigmentation that fades away in 1 month time, but cant keep on continueing with it so the only way to do laser again is to get back to asia since theyre the only ones with nd yag laser that offers LHR at a reasonable price…
Ive heard rumours about that the nd yag settings could be adjusted to not go deep down the skin, but instead adjusted to high energy mode or something? this method is to get rid of the patchiness is that true?
Any help would be appreciated… I was completely white skinned upon all my 8 sessions, and in europe ive done a few tanning sessions so now my skin is a bit tanned hence the whiteness appearing from the diode laser