A client just sent me some photos. I posted a bunch of this kid’s photos back in November, but here I’m illustrating one facet of my male “body hair strategy.”
He was here for his first clearance in the middle of November. I’m illustrating how I sometimes “feather-in” a chest/stomach case.
As you can see by the scabs and redness, (photo 1), I cleared-off all the hairs along the sides. Now, after several months, about half the hairs have returned. This gives the look of a centerline while retaining hairs along the sides. (It’s usually a full belly of hairs that clients usually don’t like.)
Now, at the next clearance, I will remove hairs at the sides again but in a narrower strip. This will clean-up the sides. Eventually (3rd clearance) I will probably zap the sides again (an even more narrow strip) for a 100% removal.
At the 3rd clearance I can also do minor adjustments to make the whole thing look normal. I can see a couple areas I’m not satisfied with. The kid’s happy with the results so far … and that’s what it’s all about.