Another HairTell Poster’s experience with Rhonda Elmer
Zhentar’s Post:
First off, thank you to everyone here. A few months ago, I was reminded how nice permanent hair removal would be. I’d always dismissed it because of the possibility of scarring, but this time I decided to look into it a bit more. The information here was, of course, wonderful, and I’m able to go through with this now confident I’ll get what I want from this.
My current plan is to do my throat,nose hair (the outside kind), and unibrow. Of course, once I get clearance on those spots, I’ll probably want more done
Based on a recommendation from a certain top poster, I went to see Rhonda Elmer in Monroe, Wisconsin. I live in Madison, so she’s just over an hour drive away, but if I can get quick, effective treatment, it’s more than worth the drive. While she was treating me, she was talking about how long her sessions usually are, and she mentioned sometimes she works on an electrologist from Buffalo, NY who always wants 4 hour sessions Apparently his post on this forum brings in a lot of referrals, too
The treatment itself hurt much less than I expected. The thermolysis hurt considerably less than plucking, which surprised me. However, overall the treatment was fairly uncomfortable, simply by nature of having a strangers hands all over my throat, and being unable to talk while she was working. However, I’m pleased with the results; my only disappointment is I’m not sure how soon I’ll be able to get enough time off work for a 1.5-2 hour session.
Here’s a picture, after the first half hour of treatment. Note the pimple and ingrown hair. They are what drove me to this. Neck