Hi, I am an Indian male with light skin (type 4). I was treated with a Palomar icon IPL. I know didn’t get to this forum till after I started treatments. The hair on my upper lip and chin have not shed at all, the technician that did my treatments had no idea as to what she was doing. I was treated at 22J at 100MS, AND 20J at 20ms. After doing a lot of research and reading, I am switching over to a clinic that uses a gentleyag. My question was that for my skin tone, what would be the ideal settings for my chin and upper lip area. I am not looking for a complete removal, but more of a reduction. At what settings would my hair react and fall out. My hair is really thick and dense. I would appreciate any input, because right now I look like an idiot, and would like to even out my face. My appointment is in a few days, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
If i could get settings for the 18 and the 15mm spot size that would be great.
After much research i have arrived upon. 18mm spot size, 20-22j, 10ms for thick beard area. Or 15mm spot size, 30j, 10ms. Please let me know if that sounds right. Thank you