I’m in agreement with Dee in that this video makes me angry, but I’m not so sure it’s for the same reasons as Dee.
I’m going to put aside the speed of epilation issue ( which with pure galvanic may be even slower than Dee suggests) . The video start, by misleading the consumer, then builds on this by continuing to mislead throughout. And it ALWAYS seems to be the galvanic operators that try and draw this comparison. It starts with the very first statement made in the video, and it’s not only misleading it comes very close to being defamitory, and aside from all of that is just plain wrong!!!
so lets start with the text statements one at a time and address whats being said:
“The fine hairs on the face ( cheeks) were growing till the eye of this young man and he wanted them removed. IT took us two sessions to remove all the fine hairs on the face ( cheeks) and around the eye”
If I take this statement at face, value, it gives the impression that these “2 sessions” will be all that is required to keep this hair away permanently, . This just isnt the case, and just the same as every other modality , a contiguous series of treatments with a minimum duration of 12-18 months must be performed to effect permanency . Inside of a month these areas will look exaactly as they did before the treatment.
Then there’s this second statement
" Galvanic Technique of Electrolysis though time consuming gives superior results as compared to thermolysis technique" and right from the get -go we have modality bashing . The truth is there is ZERO DIFFERENCE between the results of any of the 3 modalities. This statement is not only incorrect, it’s strait up marketing their results as superior when they are NOT. Then this is followed up by this:
“with Galvanic technique there is no chance of burn injury to the skin as in thermolysis technique”, well, this may be he case, but we are not talking about a “burn injury”. We are talking about electrolysis caused damage. Do you want to know how many “burn injuries” have been caused by thermoysis such that medical interventiion was required in the the history of electrolysis? ZERO! NADA! They are making it up, and the issue does not exist.
then we come to this:
“And the result is 90 to 100% with galvanic technique for permanent hair removal as compared to thermolysis which has 10% result on average”
Again, incorrect. Modern thermolysis techniques attain kill rates in the 75-80 % range and is grossly misrepresented in this video.
Here’s where I stop, because like Dee, I’m more than a little angry and upset at this point. All this within the first 1:13 of the video.
The video is trash. The assertions made by this UNETHICAL practitioner are blatently libelous and do not report anything close to the truth. Do not give any faith in the marketing assertions of this person.
There are just as many ( though different) complications that can occur with galvanic treatments as there are with thermolysis or blend. One modality is no better than another, and anyone who tries to tell you differently is strait up lying to you. I dont know why its always the galvanic operators owho try and speak such non-sense, but it makes everything they say after that point valueless and completely destroys the practitioners credibility in my view.
As one parting note, there’s enough crust and grime evident on the chuck of that needleholder to contaminate every single needle ever put into it. Clean your bloody equipment!!!