Missed Areas

I’ve been going to an electrolysis and I’ve had my second treatment for my breast area. I like her a lot and for the most part she is thorough. However, after this second session I realized she missed a lot of hairs and we were supposedly done with this area until another 6 weeks from now.

We’ve done 2 hour sessions on this breast before and everything was fine, I am wondering why there are so many missed areas. Is there a medical reason why she may have moved on to another part of the body? Is there a delicate way I can mention to her in our next session we need to go back over the area from the week prior?

Indeed, there are plenty of reasons for “missing areas.” However, none of us here could offer anything more than speculation. You have every right … and it will be appreciated by your electrologist … to ask her yourself. I mean, what’s the big deal about asking? Your body, your treatment … and, you’re paying for it. You’re asking a legitimate question … “just do it!” She’s an electrologist; not the Pope!
Photo: last night Santa Barbara celebrating the Fourth! Happy times ahead?

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