It is time consumers get wise. Publishers of Magazines make MONEY from ADERTISEMENTS, therefore, they will say ANYTHING as long as the advertisers buy space for an ad. When you see an ad or get a mailed coupon that says," AS ADVERTISED IN BLAH BLAH BLAH ETC,… IT ONLY MEANS THEY ARE SUPPORTING THE ADVERTISER regardless of what he says and they do not care because they got an ad.
Ethics be DAMNED … are you going to advertise with us? Then you see ads that say …"AS advertised in TIME, VOGUE, VANITY FAIR ETC. Publishers, radio, and TV all say we’re not capable of understanding all the things we accept for ads, and we can not check them all. We rely on the advertiser to tell the truth. HA HA HA HA.
That is why you see an ad for a different diet each month. Even OPRAH and her magazine do it. I saw a DIET ad in OPRAH for strawberries dipped in chocolate. Isn’t that great. Eat these until you get sick and can’t eat any more. That will lose weight or DOUBLE your fat bak. THE PHONY COSMETIC ADS ARE A BIG JOKE TOO. How about the BEST DOCTORS list. These docs advertise their services without knowing what their operator is doing because he/she is never present to supervise as is required by FDA. WE ARE OFFICIALLY A SOCIETY OF SCREWERS AND SCREWEES. GOOD LUCK.