Minimum Length of Hairs

Hello guys, I just had a quick question for those who have had electrolysis done or are electrolysis professionals. What is or are the smallest length hairs you have worked on? I have some around my eyes and on my bottom eyelid that are very small and fine, but noticeable. The only problem to me is that they are pretty short. I also have some tiny hairs like that on my nose, but I’m not sure if they grow long enough to treat. Have you guys ever had issues with customers having unwanted hair that just doesn’t grow out that much? I would appreciate any experiences you guys could share! Thanks!

The only 2 restricted for electrolysis treatment areas are inside of the nose and ears.
I need at least 1mm out of the skin hair, to be able to be removed with the tweezers after treatment and also to find the hair direction into the skin…

Thank you for your response. I don’t know how there is hair here, but is it possible to treat hairs on the bottom eyelid? When I say on the bottom eyelid, I mean that if I stretch the skin under my eye, there are tiny black hairs right underneath the eyelashes. I am getting worried these might not be able to be removed by electrolysis. Can anyone please chime in?

Do you have an electrologist in your area that you could consult with on the length? I am always surprised as just how much I can work with short hairs. A good pair of tweezers can go a long way. If you can grasp the hair with tweezers then it can be treated. I personally have never treated a hair that close to the eye, as I imagine that would be painful. However, I have treated hairs on the nose with no problem whatsoever. I hope that helps a little bit.

Hi, I don’t believe that’s true in every state. Some states will not allow treatment in moles without a doctor’s okay and definitely not on an eyelash.
I have treated some of those very teeny hairs right next to the eyes where Latisse (the eyelash growing prescription ointment) had drifted and stimulated a few pretty short fine hairs.

Hello guys, thanks for your replies, I really appreciate them! Dimitrov said they only need 1 mm, and yeah, I do have an electrologist I’ve been consulting with. I will see what she says, and see if she can treat these teeny hairs on my nose. About the hairs around and close to the eye, I think what Joan is talking about is probably more akin to my issue. I think the disconnect is what we interpret as the lower eyelid. I do not mean treating lashes on the eyelid, I mean teeny hairs on the tissue around the eye. So essentially, the area just below the bottom eyelashes, where most people have what they would call “bags.” If it helps to get more scientific about it, I think it’s the area that would be considered the lower tarsus and the area below. Is it possible to treat tiny hairs pretty much below the lash line?

The area around the eyes is very dangerous. The eye could be easily injured.
To reduce the possibility of injury:

  • The electrologist must have very steady hands.
  • Absolutely no client movement
  • Electrologist should use a microscope for precise probe insertion
  • Using the smallest insulated probe
  • to be very precise with the energy settings
    I hope these recommendations will help for clients looking for such treatment.
