Michael Bono, victim of plagiarism again?

Recently, I bought the DVDs offered by Dectro of the Symposium in Quebec City. The content is a series of lectures that were presented at the event. One of them dealt with the theme of the telangiectasias. As many of you know, Michael Bono is an expert on this subject, to the point of creating a new technique which he called “Bono-Blend Technique”, and to gather enough material to publish a book, “Telangiectasia”.

Well, as I visualized the conference “Thermocoagulation: A profitable diversification” by Raymonde Piquette, I recognized some of the illustrations by Michael. At first, this did not surprise me as this is perfectly understandable that someone wants documented from one of the few teachers in this field. What is more questionable is that the name of the author of these illustrations were not mentioned, and to check that the drawings were “tweaked” to show a different technique for which these drawings were created.

I do not know what Canadian responsibles do in these cases, neither the Spanish ones, by the way, but in Germany two ministers resigned for something like this…

Illustrations from the book:

Slide of the conference:

Michael should demand for a license fee from the author…

Thanks for giving me a “heads up” Jossie. And thanks Beate! No, Dectro did not ask permission to use my material. I’m not entirely surprised: they are the “big dog on the street” and sort of think they can do whatever they want. And, they do!

I’ll review the entire Dectro DVD and see where that goes from there. The silly thing is that if they ASKED for permission, what do you think my answer would have been? Over the years, I have never said “NO” to anyone doing a project.

However, this one is different. The Dectro DVD is in direct competition with my own DVD and textbook and they are profiting from this use. This creates a different situation.

I know all of you on Hairtell are ardent Dectro supporters. What do you think about this, and what do you think I should do? I’m “all ears.”

Was there a reference at the end of the DVD/powerpoint presentation (I’m assuming if it’s a slide, they did a powerpoint?) I know sometimes people will make a long list of references at the end of a presentation instead of them throughout.

I tried searching up the rules about copyrights, how long they last, and all that good stuff… good luck trying to figure out everything lol. I’d probably die from old age before I could read all of it.

Thanks Brenton … I need to see the DVD myself and soon. I hate to part with the $100 however! (Yeah, listing a reference is NICE!)

Actually, that’s not enitrely the part that bothers me.

One thing does not replace the other. I am an advocate of any manufacturer , school, or individual with a commitment to training, dissemination, and innovation in Electrolysis. But yes, in an honest way.

The paradox here is that your request for a course about Platinum was rejected for fear that you were a spy? it not that these things are not pleasant, it might even be funny.

Maybe some of the colleagues who attended the event, can remember if there is any reference to the owner of these drawings.

Sincerely, Michael, I do not think this DVD is competing with yours. And all I would ask Dectro, is a clarifying note on its website or in any advertisement for this DVD.

I just had a nice talk with Clement of Dectro. What a nice guy; always liked him. Anyway, he apologized and is going to change the DVD … Thanks again Jossie! You totally are “my hero!”

Oh, I wanted to add the part that really bothered me … See, I don’t like my own illustration for a number of reasons (the scale is off … also WAY off on the Dectro drawing too). I told Clement that I’d be happy to do some top-rate Illustrator (EPS) drawings for them if they wish. (Free of course … I work CHEAP!)

BTW the list of REAL copyright horrors would make you all laugh (cry?).

The thing is, the schools, etc., that reproduce whole chapters in books as hand-outs are also in “violation,” because a textbook was intended for school use. (Yes, even my “friends” are doing this!) What happens in all this “theft” is that the writer gives up and stops producing materials. Everybody loses. No wonder I can’t get others to write for the industry … and you ALL have so much to contribute!

My favorite situation was a phone call from a well-known English author.

She said, “Hi Michael, I’m writing a book on telangiectasia, and I would like to use your illustrations from your telangiectasia book.”

I said, “Oh sure, that will be fine … which ones would you like to use?”

She said, “ALL OF THEM!”

After I got over my heart attack, I declined the request … what nonsense?

To guard against “theft” … now I give stuff away! This way I can sleep at night. I like a simple and uncomplicated life: I have that too!

For a major company like Dectro to engage in blatant copyright violation is pathetic. Something tells me that the same company has Apple’s approach if they see misuse or potential threat to their intellectual properties. So I think Michael should bit more harsher with them on this issue; maybe going after a current industry “superstar” will send a message to small fish that steal from your texts? The funny thing is I remember reading somewhere in the topics here that Michael wanted to see the Apilus machine, but Dectro declined him access. I guess Michael is not a “threat” when they can profit off his research and knowledge.

I was in Quebec City for the symposium and have referred to my binder of power point slides. The first picture Jossie posted is not there, but the second picture is. I don’t see a reference and I don’t know anything about copyright laws. I do know that that was the best conference I have ever attended though!

Great, this is what I call a happy ending.

Whether you like it or not, that’s your job, and I know the time and effort it takes to do these things. We all learned a lesson here, respect the work of a colleague is respecting yourself.

Congratulations to Dectro for this quick answer, if along the History of Electrolysis, everyone would have done what Mr. Beaumont, many wars would have been avoided.

I’m a member of the “Self-Publishing Association,” and here’s a fun question for those of you bored on this Sunday (I’m inside because it’s supposed to rain!) Data is from my association:

Which country is #1 as far as copying (stealing) books published in the United States?

UK? I remember reading when you mentioned once.

The rain should be a blessing given the extreme drought and wildfires that have Southern California, according to what I heard on the news.

Dee, the first picture is from the book by Michael.

I agree, according to the recording, each conference was excellently presented.

Clement is the best! There are really great people at Dectro, like Raymonde and Clement is doing exactly what he should do to correct the error. I don’t think anything was done with the intent to plagiarize. In fact, I would wager a large bet that it wasn’t. All the electrologists and staff are good, good people - not a criminal among them!

You handled this so well, Michael. So many others would have called their attorney instead of first trying to resolve this by bringing it to the attention of the person in charge. You are a true example of how to best work out problems and I bet future lectures will now be sourced and credited. This is inspiring. What a nice offer you made!

I have seen stuff from Andrea’s hard work from the sister site of HairTell, called HairFacts, being used all over the Internet, word for word. When I alerted her to this a couple years ago, she acknowledged that people are always takings her stuff and she didn’t seem furled by it at all.

Hurrah! Mike Bono and Clement Beaumont (or vice versa) for President and Vice President of North Anerica!