
I’m sure this medication has been mentioned on here before, but I just had some questions about it.

I was diagnosed with PCOS in June. My doctor has already started me on Yaz and now wants to put me on Metformin. What exactly will this medication do for me? Has anyone with PCOS had success with it? My insulin level and blood sugar level were both very good, and I know this is a medication for diabetes, so I’m just not sure what kind of affects it will have on me.

I was just wondering what kind of affects the medicine has had on other women. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks :]

Or if the information is already on here, does anyone know where?

Metformin (Glucophage)is a drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of Type II diabetes. Type II diabetes means one does not need insulin injections for their diabetes becaue they already have their insulin, but it just isn’t working with the glucose correctly. Oversimplied, I know. It has not recieved approval for the treatment of PCOS though it is widely used for PCOS. It does lower insulin levels by toning down the amount of sugar (glucose) that the liver makes. It reduces the amount of sugar absorbed from food, and helps the circulating insulin reduce the sugar in your blood. Again, oversimplified, but it sounds better than a textbook.

If the sugar in your blood is reduced, then that can help with ovulation and having regular periods. Of course, it helps the “heavy” with that waist:hip ratio and it lowers the amount of androgens circulating in your blood. We all know that hair needs two things to thrive - blood and hormones. So, metformin is a good drug to think about for a PCOS’er.

Metformin is used with antiandrogens and oral contraceptives and may boost those drugs effectiveness. Even if you don’t show signs of insulin resistance, it appears that metformin may benefit women for many other symptoms of PCOS.

There have been reports of metformin helping to lower blood pressure. I don’t know if that is coincidental because weight was coming under control?? There have been reports that teenagers showed good improvement in regard to hirsutism, helps with too much male hormone in their bodies and helps for for regulating their periods.

I am not doctor and I have never taken metformin. I am only reporting to you what I know about the drug. One of my clients is looking into alternative medicine information as she is not sure she wants to take any medication. I’m sure she will be educating me as she finds out information. I do hope others pop in and tell about their experiences or you can take a peek at and join the discussion there.


Thanks Dee!

That was very helpful. I’ve been really skeptical about starting Metformin, so this good to hear. :slight_smile:

You are very welcome. Become the expert on PCOS! There is so much you need to know and understand. I think I remember seeing a discussion on soulcysters about herbal remedies for PCOS, but do work closely with your doctor as you try to discover other possible alternatives. I would also ditto James’s frequent recommendation here on hairtell for eating properly by reading Julia Ross’s book, “The Diet Cure”.

I bought it awhile back, lent it to an interested party and just got it back not too long ago. It’s an important part of my library and will never leave my office again! You can order it on

Yes metformin is prescribed for type 2 diabetes. You can find more information on this drug at YOu can find possible side effects too.

If you really want to become skeptical about Metformin, read “Drug Muggers” by Suzy Cohen R.Ph. and Dr. Samuel M. Cohen.

Metformin strips the body, reduces, or blocks usage of:
Coenzyme Q10, Folate (B-9), Methylcobalmin (B-12). Depletions in these nutrients would cause heart disease, high homocysteine, infections, fatigue, anemia, irregular heartbeat, memory loss, muscle cramps, and increased risk of cancer