I actually had a test patch done on me by a Alexandrite laser. After a while, the hairs grew back in normally. If the test patch didnt work—does that mean I shouldnt spend the money for treatments? Does that mean laser wont work well on me if the test patch had no results?
Hey there:
Well, I had 3 treatments with the Alexandrite and had almost no response (maybe a 20% reduction) and 1 treatment with the lightsheer and in two months had only about 10-20% regrowth, though it was pretty fine and light so may have been more than that, but it was hard to tell. I’m not sure if laser would work for you. It doesn’t work for everyone, and after my first tries, I thought it wouldn’t work for me. Maybe all my hair will regrow (ack! hope not!), but I do expect some regrowth as most studies have only shown only a percentage reduction long term, and that’s not in all people. My advice: try out a test patch with the lightsheer, wait three months, and see what you think. Of course, three months isn’t really long term and you could wait longer to be sure, just get the test patch somewhere inconspicuous.
Good luck man.
Hello Serge
This is in response to the question you sent me.
I still feel it is to early for me to truly commit to a permenant percentage of hair removal from the light sheer laser treatments I have had. This is for a few reasons.
I had the four treatments spaced about 8 weeks apart therby not allowing enough time inbetween for full regrowth.
My last treatment was Feb 18,20 of this year.
I will say that most of the areas treated responded very well and now 10 weeks since then I have regrowth of about the following numbers.
Back 20%, very fine hairs with not much color left.
Chest 15%, The hairs left are still dark colored (around nipple area) or white.
Legs 10%, The resistant areas are the knees (very wire like here but light colored)and buttocks. The hairs are much finer.
Arms 30%, For some reson the hairs on my arms are super tough. I have been treated most aggressivly in this area and still corse hairs come back in some quantity.
Because of the higher quantity of hairs left in some of the areas and the fact that laser had done the most it could efficently over those 4 treatments I have elected to finish off with electrolysis.
I truly believe that the laser treatments made hair removal more accessable for me since it would have taken close to 1000 hours of electrolysis to treat my whole body to satisfaction maybe more.
I currently am seeing an electrolysis and she is treating me with the thermolysis method.
As the summer progresses I will periodicaly update my feelings on the results of laser and electrolysis treatments. I will commit to a permanance number once it has been 8 months to 1 year since my last treatment.
Take care