Mentally struggling so much with paradoxical growth

Ive had paradoxical hypertrichosis, my last laser session was in July. I’ve been doing electrolysis since September, and I’ve had about 9 hours done, in intervals of about 1 hour a week. I am no where near first clearance.

Im just mentally getting to the point now where if I look in the mirror I want to cry because there is still a massive amount of hair on my face. She has cleared my neck/chin area about once or twice and reached the jawline area near the chin. However these lower neck/chin areas just keep growing back over and over, and therefore I haven’t been able to even reach the bulk of the ugly hair in the sideburns and side of my face.

This is distracting me so much because I cant put my hair up in a ponytail even on the hottest day so as to be able to cover the sides of my face. I don’t let myself sit in the middle of people in class, I’m always going for an edge seat. I just feel like my joy is put on hold. I have no peace. I just want to reach first clearance and It feels like an absolute tug of war getting there. I don’t even have a car in college, so even getting myself to go is just all around exhausting. Im just having a such a hard time seeing the end resolution come true.


Even with Laser …even with Electrolysis, It need time.

Arround 1 Year it need by Electrolysis.

by Laser it depends. By Laser you can have Luck and be finished in 4-6 Months. Or more Usual 8-12 Months too.

Just the Haircycles are annoying. But its like this… it dont work other.

This seems very upsetting to not see results you were anticipating.
Questions I ask…
How much experience does this electrologist have and are they licensed in the state they are practicing?
Do you feel tweezing or pulling out of the hair? Another words is there enough current given to the root?
Factors to consider. Genetics. Hormone imbalance. Medications.
You said you had laser how much hair loss did you have about half the hair gone?

The remaining hair can take more than 9 hours of electrolysis.
Some cases I’ve seem 50+ hours of e after laser. Depends on the size of the face and density left.
Lip and chin have 3x more hair than the cheeks usually.

If you are not seeing the results, do not waste time, energy and money.
It is not the quantity of the work done at a session, it’s the quality that matters.
Sometimes people stay with the electrologist because it is convenient to get to or comfort level.

Your person maybe fine and you need to be more patient as we can not rush this process.
Yes. It can take a year or more in some cases.

I had a client do 4 hours every week (2 hours Monday & 2 hours on Wednesday).
It took a year and about 200 hours. No laser. Only electrolysis.

Maybe you can try another electrologist with experience and licensing.
Get another consultation and treatment and or do research for reviews.

Call a Dermatologist in your area for a referral to an electrologist.
To find an electrologist visit American Electrology Association:

Read my latest book: “Transgender Profiles Time for a Change” by Linda DeFruscio-Robinson
On Amazon or where ever books are sold or your library for free. They will order it if it is not in stock.

In this book you will find many clients research for how long it takes for different people for permanent
hair removal with laser and/or electrolysis. Lots of fun reading!!!
Experience of 40 years as an electrologist and Instructor.

Hope this helps.


I think you want ask this at @anon70936330

I have a Friend who is Electrologist in Germany /Dortmund. She Practice it for Years even she finished a lot of peoples , i mean removed the hairs completly.

I had 18 Laser Sessions on my Facial Hairs with Electrolysis , before they went Grey .
I think my Doctor , did something wrong.

With my beard, 18 x with alexandrite laser was passed over even after the 10th time with very high settings. The upper lips / lower lips / chin hair do not respond to laser. So even under optimal conditions, skin type 2 and black hair. They just don’t fall out, so not at all. I’ve also read about trans people who have had the same experience. Even my cheeks/throat hairs

Also tryed one time it in a other Studio with diodlaser, exactly the same.

By my friend did 24 Hours electrolysis on my facial hairs 5x upperlip , 3x underlip . But the Hairs come back and back. But i noticed also , with the Hair-cycles its the reaon. I mean she cleaned it 5 times. I had last apointment end of June. July/August i had holes in the upperlip, some results. But September/October , it look like , i had never a Electrologist hour on my upperlip.

I have noticed something on my skin or on my hair through DIY electrolysis. I go perfectly with the needle in, in the hair channel, to be sure I do even 2-3 x on very high level, the foot pedal. I try to pull out the hair. Does not go as if it has not been treated or not correctly. Go in again, do that 2-3 times, still does not work. Do it even at the highest level. Then I think to myself, something can’t be right.

Then I pull out my hair by force. Everything comes out as it should be. I could imagine even if I am not an expert in it, that it is maybe the same reason with laser.

I could also imagine that it has to do with the genetic for me. I mean I got ear hair… nose hair unfortunately with 33 (this year), also on my hands grow hair, where before there were none. As well as on the upper cheeks I got fine / gray vellus hair.

My needleepilist/Electrologyst has already told me that my skin is dry and that in some places my pores are clogged. I do not know whether that is the reason for this.

Hello, thanks for your comment – sorry for the late response I avoided the forum for a while. I believe I was not being patient enough with the process. I am seeing some progress but obviously still have a lot of stimulated regrowth. She does not pluck any hairs and has over 40 years of experience as well. I believe I am in good hands and just need to stay still and wait. thanks for your insight.