Hi Smoothlover
I agree a Spa or Steam bath is no different from shaved legs or a smooth chest. I often see men with almost no chest hair giving me an odd glance because despite trimming I still grow it back quick.
Why bother with leg or chest hair. I get asmatic if my chest hair exceeds 2 inches and that only takes a couple of months. I also can’t sleep if I have long leg hair as I sweat a lot as a result. My smooth legs are a bonus that most men never even consider.
From my obvervations most men have little chest hair so I see no point of view in these statements. Also objectivly most men have little leg hair as well and it is hardley really noticable.
I do admit shaved legs can stand out without a tan, but then what is the real difference? Men with shaved legs, or men with so little hair they may as well shave and work on their muscle definition. Both are men and not wimps.