Tex, I agree that most men will be disinclined to spend much time shaving their bodies unless somehow forced. Ways to force would include women, and the media. Face it, the media got women shaving their pits and legs, it can get men to shave too. And, if not, it will get their women to make them do it. Until then, I think most men will leave well enough alone. Unless, like those of us on the board, they personally don’t like hair.
I do not usually look on shaving my body as a chore. It is kind of relaxing, and in its own way sensual, and mostly, unless I’m in a big hurry, I enjoy it. Plus, there is the usual male reward at the end, satisfaction at a job well done. I find it rather a nice challenge to see how good a job I can do, how fast, but not to stress out about it. I enjoy showers anyhow, and this gives me something to do while I’m standing there. I am generally mystified at how women can find shaving their (mostly lower) legs, and pits such a pain, when in reality that can be done in a very few minutes. Plus, since their hair is usually finer, it is easier to shave. My legs are always at least as smooth as my wifes, usually smoother, as I do it every day, and she does not. Plus, she is one of those women who doesn’t feel the need to shave her upper legs, though there is fine, blonde hair there. Of course if a woman shaves down below, that takes some care, naturally, but so many women have that waxed.
It definitely is not super common for USA men to shave their body hair, but much more so than 10 years ago. I see many men with shaved legs in the Chicago area, not really a hot climate. Pubes I have no idea, and men don’t tend to show their pits, either, which is fortunate, because I think hairy pits are totally disgusting. When I go to the gym, no one says anything about the pits or the legs. What really IS common for men to shave is their chest, and if you have back hair, I think it is getting to be very common to remove it, as women seem to universally dislike back hair, even if their like hair elsewhere. Figure that one out. Lots of salons will wax men’s backs for them. In movies, TV, magazines, men who obviously are hairy, judging by their thick beard and pit hair, have no chest hair at all. That is not natural, so it must be shaved. I admit it looks nice, especially if the guy is in shape, and I think many women, especially younger ones, like it shaved. The era of guys with hair poking out of the top of their shirt ( and sometimes through the fabric) is ending I believe.). My 20 year old daughter, for example, thinks that looks “gross”.
More men are working out, at least younger ones, and trying to diet better, so the emphasis on grooming may catch on more. Guys who lift weights tend to shave their body, as it shows their muscle and vascularity. Cyclists shave their legs, as do runners, principally, I think, because the cyclists do.
One thing for sure: If you shave a body part, you will probably not go back to natural. That has been my experience, and I’ve read it here on the board. I think once men shave, they will realize how nice it looks and feels, and will stay with it. However, judging by how men shave their faces, you will see a lot of body stubble along the way, unless they get it zapped off. If the cost of laser comes down a lot, I’ll bet many more men will do it. I know I will, though I think I would actually miss shaving, but the results will be better. The other thing, I think if you begin with guys “trimming” their hair, which is less “threatening”, they will move on to shaving it altogeether. Women might want to be patient with their men, and let them get there gradually, as there still is huge bias in the US that shaving is somehow “gay”. In other countries, people are not nearly as homophobic, so this may not be an issue.