mens back hair

why is men’s backs 1 of the hardest areas to treat?


Because of the density and the likelyhood of new growth, etc. Any area that is harder to shave is going to be harder to treat. A man’s back, arms, shoulders, and face are dense and tough. This is really no different in any kind of hair removal. A man with a large, thick amount of body hair, assuming age and medical condition is the same, is going to be harder to treat than a man with just a little excess body hair. Compare a woman’s arm hair to her bikini, etc. Also, testosterone can be a factor. Think to yourself, what caused this hair to grow on my back in the first place. These are the natural factors you will be going against when trying to kill hair follicles.

What if it is that case the someone’s back was undertreated? Can they go back and get it redone at a higher setting with a more experienced technitian and have some results?

yes, experienced tech who can treat at highest settings possible without burning one’s skin can achieve the best results.