I had electrilosis performed on my sholders for 6 months… well one year later and it hasnt subsided one bit. this was the biggest waste of money i have ever spent. any oral med. is out of the ques. has vaniqua worked for any guys?? i have used it for 4 weeks and no changes yet.
I’d like to know this too keep us updated man tell us if it works
If you kept up your electrolysis appointments, then the reason it didn’t work is the electrologist that treated you. Electrolysis has been around for over 100 yrs giving permanently smooth skin to so many thousands of people. It is, however, very unfortunate that many electrologists in the field are less than competent. I have had many bad experiences myself, before I knew what to expect. If you want the hair permanently removed, then electrolysis is the way to go. But you see for yourself, just how important it is to find someone who is capable of doing it. You have to get many trial treatments in your area. You will see just how different each electrologist’s technique is. Make sure that you don’t feel the hair being tweezed, and that the electrologist can work at a normal speed.
As far as I know, Vaniqa was only tested on female facial hair, and it will not be prescribed for anything else. But even if it would work, why would anyone want to retard hair growth, when quick growth is very well treated by electrolysis. Vaniqa is expensive, has to be used for life, may have side effects, and will never totally solve the hair problem.
[ May 11, 2004, 08:32 AM: Message edited by: yb ]