Blood and hormones influence hair growth. Hormonally vulnerable people have a worse time with the hormone part. Shaving does not determine if hair is going to become thicker, hormones, blood supply and heredity do. Shaving is a mechanical action that takes place above the skin that cuts off the dead part of the hair. All the action takes place below the skin to nourish the hair, nothing happens above the skin. If you tweeze, you create trauma. Blood, with hormones floating in it, come to the aid of the hair follicle to repair the damage. Prolonged tweezing creates an environment where people with vulnerable hair follicles are repeatedly bathed in male hormones. Male hormones cause hair to change from fine to coarse.
Your PCOS friends laser experience doesn’t surprise me. Some people get good results and some don’t. Some laser providers are not qualified to do laser hair reduction correctly and in many cases, the client is treated with the wrong laser or an inferior laser. She may have had both factors against her. Did she have an actual laser experience or did she go to someone using an IPL? More detail is needed as a passing statement doesn’t tell the whole truth. I don’t like LHR for a woman’s face. She can get the hair off completely, rest assured, with electrolysis and she will look as if she grew no hair on her face within a day? two weeks? three months? after starting electrolysis, even though she has not completed treatments yet. Treatments take 9 months at a minimum and 18 months at a maximum, IFFF you have a modernly equipped and trained electrologist and IIIFF you actually lay on the table for treatment at the advised intervals.
Shaving has no effect on hair growth. Go to and read about shaving. If that isn’t enough, then read the information from below. Some people are prone to ingrown hairs. For those who are prone to getting ingrown hairs , clipping is better.
From :
Does shaving stimulate hair growth / hypertrichosis
It is a common belief, but cutting or shaving hair does not stimulate growth. Hair fiber is dead, if it is cut there is no way for the dead hair to send a signal back to the hair follicle in the skin to grow more hair. The studies to prove hair cutting did not stimulate growth were done back in the 1920s but the belief still persists.
Several studies have been conducted where volunteers shaved half of their beard or scalp hair and left the other half untouched. The shavings were collected and measured and the hair left untouched was also measured. The results showed that the amount of hair produced was exactly the same whether the hair was regularly shaved or not.
Does shaving stimulate hair growth / hypertrichosis references
* Peereboom-Wynia JD. Effect of various methods of depilation on density of hair growth in women with idiopathic hirsutism. Arch Dermatol Forsch. 1972;243(3):164-76.
* Lynfield YL, Macwilliams P. Shaving and hair growth. J Invest Dermatol. 1970 Sep;55(3):170-2.
* Trotter M. Hair growth and shaving. Anat Rec. 1928;37:373-379
* Seymour RJ. The effect of cutting upon the rate of hair growth. Am J Physiol. 1926;78:93-8
* Bulliard H. Influence de la section et du rasage repete sur l’evolution du poil. Annales de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie. 1923;Series 6:386-91