Mature Forum Archive

In order to ensure that the Mature Forum Archive is not being accessed by minors, I have made that forum an opt-in only forum.

Premium or Professional members do not need to change their settings. You should be able to see the Mature Forum Archives already. The only readers who need to change this setting are those who do not see the Mature Forum Archives.

The forum will not be available or even visible unless you have changed your settings in your user profile.

By changing your profile to allow access to that group, you are affirming you are 18 years or older.

  1. Log in with your username and password.

  2. Click My Home at the top of the page. That will take you here:

  3. Click the Edit button to the far right of “Display preferences, number of shown threads, languages, colors…” That will take you here:

  4. The second option down says: “Please select the group you wish to join…”

  5. Choose Mature Forum Access

  6. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

Now you can see the Mature Forum Archive!

We have set up a new forum in HairTell Premium, which includes options for photos and attachments. The Mature Forum Archives will be read-only in the future, and any new questions can be asked in HairTell Premium.

Thanks for helping us keep the site appropriate for younger and more sensitive readers!

I’m well over 18 but having trouble following the provided link. Can you please help me out?

hello Bdar,
The forum software has changed since this post and some links along with them. You can reach the mature forum from the categories page, or by following this link:

You’re all set!