<strong>Monique L. Geraud, CPE</strong><br>
Monique L. Geraud
<P> 30 E. 60th Street<br>
<em>Suite 504</em><br>
New York City, NY 10022<br>
(212) 935-3524
<P>e-mail: mgeraud@aol.com<br>
<B>Office Hours:</B><BR>
Tuesdays - Fridays; 8:30am - 8:30pm; Saturday; 8:30am - 5pm
[li]Board Certified Electrologist</li>[/li] [li]All types of skin - teens, women and men</li>[/li] [li]Experience: more joy and confidence</li>[/li] [li]Trust: 20 years in Parctice, Reliable Tues. - Sat.</li>[/li] [li]Understanding: of her client’s delicate needs</li>[/li] [li]Visa and Mastercard Accepted</li>[/li][/LIST]