I found this website last year and i’ve been following both the laser and the electrolysis forums and finally decided that electrolysis is the one for me. I’m an18 year oldmale,and i’m hoping to clear my upperbody, but i want to startwith my chest , shoulders and abdomen first. I think the best method is the thermolysis method and i’ve found a couple of places:
The first place is called faireview electrolysis http://www.fairviewelectrolysis.com/ and has thermolysis, and charges 70$ an hour or 600$ for 10 hours (CDN dollar)
The second one is http://www.flamingjune.com/contact-vancouver-day-spa.html
andcharge 50$ an hour but it looks less professional.
lstly, i wanted to know how much money i need roughly for the first year.
P.S.I live in vancouver, bc and would love to know if you guys recommend any places.
Quote from the first website:
“Is electrolysis permanent?
Yes, but it is not a quick fix like other methods. Depending on what the individual has previously done to enhance the hair growth, a series of treatments are required to bring the hair back to its langua (fine) stage.”
Whatever does the the last sentence mean? When we do electrolysis, we are not aiming to bring hair back to a finer hair, also referred to as a vellus or lanugo hair. We are aiming to permanently destroy hair present in a follicle so it is not seen again. If you go to this person, you might want give them the heads up to correct the spelling of lanugo, since it is a website that represents their business. Their prices sound good.
The second website stressed keeping on a schedule, which is very important to success. Their prices are high, but so too may be their overhead???
Cost depends on how much hair you have and other variables like the speed of the electrologist and his or her equipment and skills. Also, what is your tolerance level for this? If you can not tolerate the sensation very well,then the electrologist can not move forward as fast. A picture of your area would be nice to see, but since it is a large area, I feel safe in predicting that you may need a couple hours a week for several weeks, in the beginning, if you have a lot of hair. Less time if your area is sparsely populated with coarse hair. That’s why you need an actual person to look at you. Even then, you will never be able to get an exact amount of time or cost because every eelctrologist knows of the variables that are associated with permanent hair removal.
You are smart to sample as many electrologists as you can and with the knowledge you have acquired here, you will most likely be making an informed decision.
if you actually have very dark and coarse hair (otherwise, you probably wouldn’t be reading the laser part of the forum i assume) i wouldn’t eliminate laser for chest and abs as that would be faster and can help reduce the hair faster if you’re not necessarily looking for full removal right away. if you have a lot of hair, it would take a considerable amount of time to even get to your first clearance with electrolysis. just make sure you’re aware of that. those areas usually respond very well. shoulders are definitely best to leave for electrolysis.
Dee gave you good comments on the websites you provided.
Nimroo, could you please check your private messages. I have sent you one regarding the price quote of $300 for 10 hours at Fairview. I too am in in Vancouver area and am curious where you had obtained that information.
I wanted to thank you guys for anwering my question, but thanks to amanda i noticed that i put $300 instead of $600 for 10h which makes it alot more expensive.
P.S Amanda please check your pm, also do you know about any other places in vancouver which offer both laser and electrolysis?
Thanks Nimrooo,
As far as a place that offers both electro and laser, check out this place:
If you ever end up going for a consultation, let me know what they quote you for a large amount of work (hours).