Male back/shoulders laser questions

Hey there,
I’m a 20 year old male, and im getting laser done on my back shoulders and arms. I had 5 sessions done with a comet diode machine. I didnt know much at the time and spaced them 4 weeks apart. I got no results whatsoever with this machine if anything it came thicker due to shaving. I switched to the gentlase machine at a new clinic with a 18mm/20J setting. (im a type 3) with dark course hair on the arms, darkish hair on my upper back and a bit lighter in the middle back but still dark. anyways its been 7 weeks after my first session. my arms have grown in very patchy and on my back all thats grown is the hair around my neck and shoulder area. Is this hair going to be impossible to remove? i was going to go in for my next treatment in another week (8 weeks total) is this a good time frame? And ive been reading that some people do not respond to laser, an that it does not work for male back and shoulders. is this true? will i get any results whatsoever or have i wasted my money? my goals are reduction on arms (only bought 4 sessions) and pretty much as much off my back as possible (might do electrolysis after) i bought 8 back shoulder sessions.
thank you a lot!

Are you talking about your upper arms? The comet is not the best laser around, so I’m not surprised about your lack of results. SHAVING DOES NOT CAUSE MORE HAIR GROWTH. IT DOES NOTHING TO MAKE A PROBLEM WORSE. Grandma was wrong. These shaving myths are hard to kill.

GentleLase is a great laser, but your skin may be too dark for this powerful laser. You need to understand hair growth cycles. It takes about a year to year and a half for laser or electrolysis to bring you home for hair removal (electrolysis) or hair reduction (laser). Hair has to be punched good and hard. No hair is too tough for a good electrologist. Not all hair can be seen or affected by laser, but you may get a certain percentage of hair gone and then you switch to electrolysis to wipe out the rest that bother you.

There have been many complaints about laser hair stimulation on these forums and others in regard to men’s backs, shoulders and upper arms. It happens, so this is why you are taking a gamble treating these areas. I hope you have an expert technician that can give you the best care possible. Read the laser faq’s on the laser forum for more information.
Do a search “sslhr” post on laser hair stimulation.

Time-wise, sessions should be spaced every 8-10 weeks.

If every electrologist had a good set up with a computerized epilator in auto sensor mode, good magnification and a comfortable chair, then few men would choose laser for these areas. However, if that perfect situation can not be found, if laser can get a man at least a 50% reduction, then a professional electrologist can come in and save the day to bring him total permanent hair removal. Electrolysis is a great net to fall in, but don’t go to someone that is ketchup slow. Large areas need a modern, well-equipped electrologist.


great answer thanks :slight_smile: since ive already had a few laser sessions with the comet and now one with the gentelase (which was way better i might add) I guess i dont have to worry about stimiulating new growth from the laser cause the damage is done eh? it cant get worse every session only better here on out.

I am getting results on my arms with the gentelase so that means that i am a responder to laser in some degree, so should i at least be able to see results on my back and shoulders or is there still a chance it will not work at all?

I don’t know. You just have to go to the end with your laser program and see what you are left with. When laser has reached those diminishing returns, be thankful that the grand old lady, friend to the end, ELECTROLYSIS can make it all better and get the hair that still bothers you. Many men are ecstatic to just have some kind of reduction where the hair is thinner and lighter and they don’t care to continue with electrolysis.