hello everybody,
i was struggling with insertions using 3.5x deental loops, i cant see clearlly the entrence of the follicle thus i mostly feel the sting (so no proper insertions?)
i ve read that microscope with bigger magnification can help
my questions are :
-how much does it help ? is it game changing
-and does this microscope wich isnt very expensive seems legit ( Rf4 Dernière Version Stéréo Trinoculaire 7-50x Microscope Rf7050tvw Support De Flèche À Double Bras - Buy Phone Repair Microscopes,Mobile Repair Microscope,Mobile Repair Microscope Product on Alibaba.com ) it is used for Mobile Phone Repair i am not sure that it can do the work for the electrolysis (pros’s opignon much needed)
First thing first, It is best not to do it yourself, but to find a partner and Do It For Each Other.
There are too many places you cannot reach and cannot see to do a good insertion on yourself.
Next up, if you want real magnification, nothing beats stereo microscopes. Not like the thing you have linked, but something used by dentists, and doctors.
for the best combination of low cost and usability, try this one: DENVU DIVOZM-310 Colposcope Used DENVU DIVOZM-310 Colposcope For Sale - DOTmed Listing #4979457:
Yes, it’s a total game changer.
A Zeiss Stereo Microscope as used in an operatory at a hospital costs about $12,000 to $20,000 brand new. That’s why you don’t see them in most electrolysis offices.
thanks for your reply Mr James
unfortunately i have alredy ordered the microscope that i have shared, i have ordered an articulated arm with it (looks like the one that came with the colposcope) i will share if it is practical
yes i have seen about medical microscope and the price was a total barriere for me, never thought about colposcope (should have waited a bit more for your insight)
sure that i can do it all myself exepct for my arms and abdomen, and i will teach my siblings to help me do my shoulders and full back
well well, the microscope works like a charm and i can clearly see the follicle entrance now and with a more stable image (only focus is a bit annoying and need microadjustement while working with great 20-30x magnification)
so now the next step is getting the energy and the insertions right, i have some questions for you james : i work with sterex sxb set at therm 5, galv 40 time 7
-most times i see the froth pouring from the follicle but the hair dont pull out everytime easily when i stop current right after i see froth so it does not help (the froth) to know if treatement is sufficient or if it may cause overtreament ?
-rarely i see a formation of a small blister that grow very rapidelly i stop the current as fast as i see it, i assume this phenomenon is no good ? and is maybe due to bad insertion? (too deep or outside the hair follicle)
-wich of deeper than necessary or to shallow insertions may harm the most and causes scares ?
-also i do get very big bumps like a mosquito sting reaction that calm down hours after is it a pertty usual reaction or my skin in more sensitive than normal or is it a sign of overtreatement (less bump when using only HF)
Hi, yes I asked this question a short while back and i think it can be a common thing. I have a few tg clients that have had all the darks lasered out leaving me with blonde, grey, almost translucent hairs to see, use a halogen and not a Led light , an 8 x magnification glass on a stand wheels etc, if thats not enough I bought some dental loupes on ebay 6.0X300-500mm Titanium Surgical Dental Binocular Loupes Magnifer optical glasses, then if that isnt enough, as the guru’s say, pay the big $$ for the big tools . Good luck