Lots of Freckles

If I get LHR on body parts such as my lower arms, where there are a lot of freckles, what is the impact? Is there any danger to me? Will it cause my freckles to fade or effect the skin around it at all

The only thing I’ve come across is that the freckles might change color some (some people on this forum say they will go “lighter”, some MDs online say “darker”), but it seems that any change will just be temporary.

Ok cool, thanks. I know that some of these machines used in laser seem to also be used for photorejuvenation, etc, but I presume that those are totally different settings than the hair removal ones?

According to 1 MD, even though the settings are different, there’s still some overlap which is why you may get some side reactions with the freckles, but they keep saying it’s temporary, so I wouldn’t be too concerned about it