So I am considering doing some electrolysis for aesthetic reasons, but I would like to know if there are answers to some specific questions I have about it. I’m aware of and not really interested in hearing about the temporary side effects of treatment, but I’d like to know about the long term metabolic consequences of destroying the hair root as electrolysis does.
First of all, how much of an ATP-sink is growing hair? What I mean is, let’s say I eat 3500 calories a day to maintain a 140 lb body–how much farther is that 3500 calories going to go if I stop growing hair? Will the numbers change much at all or is it likely to be kind of insignificant?
Second of all, to what extent are any surrounding tissues or organ-like structures irreversibly damaged by the electrolysis method? What kind of long-term consequences follow that? Obviously I assume the weak immune function that hair provides would be lost in the absence of hair, but I’m largely ignorant about what is in my skin and what functions it has that I’d be giving up that could put my body at a survival-disadvantage if I get electrolysis done.
I thank in advance anyone who has the time to answer my questions and I appreciate your help.