Lightsheer setting on skin type 4?

I read some posts on your successful laser hair removal with American laser center. I’m skin type 4 and decided go with lightsheer at American laser center in Lancaster, PA. I had my first treatment on my back about two months ago and now I do notice little less hair. However I was treated with lowest setting\10 joules and I was just wondering what setting should be used on skin type 4 with lightsheer. Thanks!

did you experience any shedding? with a setting of 10 joules on LightSheer, I doubt it did anything. Also, wondering where you were able to find successful results posts with that clinic?

I’m not quite sure of the cycling of hair, but it’s been seven weeks I see lot less coarse hair grown back. In about another three weeks I’m going back for the 2nd treatment and I want to find out the right setting for skin type 4. I’m paying them per treatment and I have a feeling that they are using this comfortable setting of 10 joules, so I can return for the 2nd treatment with a smile face. However they do have two years guarantee and after the 1st treatment I felt they wanted to give me good result. It could simply be that they had no experience with my skin type.

Forgot to mention I e-mailed khiz and not sure if he got it, so khiz if you are out there please tell us what setting they used on you using lightsheer. Thanks!

RC2001 used LightSheer at up to 50 joules and he’s a type III-IV skin. Usually, anything under 25-30 (long pulse) is not very effective. It is still not clear if you’re experiencing shedding, i.e. hair coming out of the skin and then falling out 2-3 weeks after treatment.

RC2001 used LightSheer at up to 50 joules and he’s a type III-IV skin. Usually, anything under 25-30 (long pulse) is not very effective. It is still not clear if you’re experiencing shedding, i.e. hair coming out of the skin and then falling out 2-3 weeks after treatment.

Yes, I had very good results with 50J at 100ms. This is on hair that was remaining after 4 previous treatments. So the hair was finer than before treatments. They started me out at 35-40J on the Lightsheer. Settings would be similar for the back.

On the beard the fluence would be a lot lower, maybe 16-20J to start with. So it does vary with area being treated. On the beard the hair it more coarse and dense (hairs close toghether) so they would start with lower fluence there.


I will see how things go with my 2nd treatment and will keep everyone posted with reduction result. 25 joules sounds pretty safe for the 2nd treatment. thanks again!

I just got my lightsheer test patch done today on my armpit… They had it set at 27 joules, that kinda tickled/stung a bit for me. There was some redness for a little bit. 10 joules would not do anything!!!

27 joules is low as well, especially if the pulse was high. effective treatments hurt, not sting or tickle.

skin (III-IV) and I was using CLP for 8 treatments (waste of money) so I moved to a Alexandralite Gold and they treated me a setting 10. My sister is using a lightsheer at a different clinic, do you think that I should forget the alex and go try the lightsheet? I am soo sick of treatments (i have been doing it for more than a year now.

Also how long do you think I should wait between treatments?

alexandrite is the most powerful laser, although i have not heard of the Gold. are you sure that’s the name? 10 joules is too low on an alex. where are you located?

Sydney Australia

So what settings do you recommend on the alex? The tech, said she will take it up to 12 next treatment, but any higher will burn me. I thought the cooling system on the alex was alot better than CLP so the treatment didn’t burn when I did it.

How long between treatments,?

Sydney Australia

So what settings do you recommend on the alex? The tech, said she will take it up to 12 next treatment, but any higher will burn me. I thought the cooling system on the alex was alot better than CLP so the treatment didn’t burn when I did it.

How long between treatments,?

for a type IV, it’s hard to say. she might be right and higher will burn you, but treating at lower levels would be a waste of money. Yag laser would be best for you, or a diode if available. I wouldn’t pay for and do a full treatment at 12 setting. I would have her test you at 16, 18, and 20 joules, given 18 or 15 mm spot size and see if those spots get burned or not before deciding if to even give this place a shot.

Hi Honolulu…first of all, im really sorry to reply back so late. I was busy with stuff. YEah, i had 8 to 9 treatments with the lightsheer on my back and shoulders and im a type-4 skin type. Its been quite a while now, and the treatments definitely did not completely reduce the hair. I lost, maybe around 30% of hair permanently( cause its been almost a year now). I hope you get good results. My hair took quite a while to grow back, so at first, i thought i had some excellent results. Lets see how it is with you.
I also recently heard that American laser center is gettin a new type of laser designed specially for them. Its called the Amerilase i believe. Anybody know anything about this?