lightsheer diode or palomar ipl

I have type 3 skin, looking to remove course black hair from shoulders and back. I have gone to 6 different consultations and narrowed my choice between a place that uses the lightsheer diode laser and one that uses the palomar ipl machine. I am not sure which one to choose, im leaning towards the diode laser place…any advise would be helpful. I have not seen many reviews of people with ipl hair removal so that is why i thinking of choosing the diode, any help would be great.

Please read through the forums and FAQs as this has been discussed extensively. IPL is the least effective of any hair removal method, LightSheer is much better.

Is the hair dense? Or you have sparse coarse growth? Can you post photos? This is important. If it’s too sparse, lase can stimulate more growth on patches in between. If you do it, make sure they’re only treating the patches with dense growth.

I would recommend to call around and find some clinics with an alex laser. I would always call first. No point of heading for consultations at clinics that use IPLs in my opinion.

Also, you should ask for settings they would use and a test patch. Then see if you see shedding within 3 weeks.

LightSheer is better than IPLs, but it’s important that the clinic knows how to use it well. A machine is only as good as its operator.

Thank you for the advice. Yes the hair is dense. I will search around for a clinic with an Alex laser, none of the 6 places I visited so far have that. Why would you recommend that laser? I just want to make the right choice if I am spending that amount of money. Thanks

Alexandrite is a TYPE of laser. There are several brands. Please read the links below, FAQs and How to find a clinic. We include links.