Lightsheer diode on dark skin? is it a scam?

I have brown skin with coarse black hair. After a consultation, the practioner advised me to that I am a suitable candidate for LightSheer diode and said that I should not worry about my skin burning as she was a professional. She did a test patch at 15 joules and it didnt really hurt or swell up.

What is the minimum setting one should use with Lightsheer diode for it to be effective? Is she just scamming me to get my money and that I wont see any results? help

Hi. I have asked ecaxtly the same question. Here is the question and the answres I got:

"I have skin type 5 and coarse black hair and I am going to try LightSheer too se how my skin will react. And I want to know at which energy levels (J/cm2) LightSheer is effective for killing hair because I want to compare with what my skin cane take, if you undestand how I meen. I want to see if my skin can take effective energy levels that will actualy kill hair.


LightSheer should be set to at least 25 joules or so. It can go up to 45-50.


Depnds on the body part being treated. 40J on the beard with a Lightsheer will cause excruciating pain, at least on the first treatment. 28J did nothing on my arms. 40J did better. I went up to 50J on my chest at 100ms, and it was very effective, even on the fine hairs. I think generally, except for the beard, effective treatment starts at 40J, maybe lower if the hair is very coarse.


Just because you can treat, doesn’t mean you will get results. 15 joules is pretty low. see what happens to your test spot…


Iranian boy, where in Sweden are you having your hair done? What setting did they use?

In the past 2½ months I’ve done 2 sessions of laser and IPL. I started with IPL on 21/6, the result after the first session was not satisfying and some of the hair did not shed at all and most of it grew back after 15 days. I guess IPL (called BIOLASER) did not work for me and the technician wanted me to do 3 sessions with 21 days between each. So I thought that it might be a scam and switched to Diode laser (LightSheer). The setting of the machine was between 25J and 32J, and the result was much better than IPL. I think I’m skin type 3, and some places 4. I wonder what setting can be used on my skin without getting burned. I did get burned on two places because the hair was not shaved very well, but the overall result was great, the only side effect that was some red spots that disappeared after a day.

My other question is whether LightSheer works on fine hair or not. The technician recommended me to not have the fine hair on my cheeks and stomach done, but I find it very ugly and want to get rid of it.

Is there any expert on laser that can give me some advices? I am thinking of buying “laser time”. How much time is enough for full legs and full bikini, full arms, face and stomach?

I saw a laser center that offers LightSheer, Estelux and Medilux, those can be combined or used separately. Are Estelux and Medilux effective devices for hair removal?


Lightsheer can be used on type III skin, and if the practitioner is good enough, on type IV skin. From your description you are getting good results. I have been treated at 50J at 100ms with the Lightsheer on type IV skin. This did a very good job on some dark fine hairs on my chest. It is also very helpful if the practitioner uses compression.

I probably cannot be treated any higher than 50J with my skin type. I cannot get treatments in the summer because I am a sun worshipper and get very dark. I have to wait about 3 months for my tan to fade enough for Lightsheer treatments. I only need to wait a month before I can be treated with the Nd:YAG laser. I don’t feel the YAG works as well on fine hair as the Lightsheer, but it does work on medium coarse hair.


LAGirl - thanks for the reply.
After 1 week, nothing really happened during/after the spot test. The area that was tested (4 shots to the upper back area) is the same as the larger area that was shaved (ie u couldnt tell that anything was done - the hair is growing back normally and the skin had no reaction)

I guess the girl, decided to use an extremely low seting (15 joules) thinking that Id be happy that my skin was not affected and then decide to move forward with the Lightsheer treatments.

Should i insist for a higher joule setting? If she started with 15 joules without any effects, how high do you think she will increase the settings by? Do the intervals increase significantly or only by a few joules (ie if she started at 15, will she increase by 5 after every treatment or would say 20 be the max setting ever used?)

Hi mimiek. I have had 6 treatment with IPL (Medilux) in Stockholm Skin Care Centre in Kungsgatan. But now I am switching to a clinic in Solna (Lasercenter) that has Starlux, an IPL machine, and also LightSheer. I am changing my clinic because the first clinic missed a lot of spots on my back and refused to rezapp the spots, and I am now left with geometric hairyer patchess in the missed spots. Also they were extemely expensive compared to the place in Solna, VERY expensive!
I am guessing that you are being treated in Gamla stans kirurgiska laserklinik - ?

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />

Hi iranianboySweden

I did my laser in Lebanon it was very cheap compared with the prices in Sweden I paid $800 for a “full body” this included full legs, full bikini, full arms, and mustache. My first session with ILP costed $500. I recently saw that gamlestans kliniken i stockholm offers great prices, and I want to give it a chance (I live in Göteborg). I will also save money buy paying for hours instead of body parts + I will not need to go to lebanon for each session. So tell me about your result, are you satisfied? Did you get rid of all the hair? After 2 sessions I notices a reduction, but I need more than 2 to get a good result, and my goal is to get rid of atleast 75%.
By the way the laser clinic in Lebanon where i had my second session done is one of the best clinics in middle east, they recommended me to use LightSheer because IPL will not give a permanent result and I might need more than 4-6 sessions with IPL.

Hi RJC2001,

Do you recommend me to ask for higher settings on my next session? I was looking at the display on the LightSheer machine and it was Showing 30 so I guess it means 30J. It was very painful on my arms and string line, the skin looked like it was burned but after an hour it turned to red spots, and within a day all the redspots were gone.

I think the most important thing to do to avoid burns, is to shave very well.

Mimiek, är du en man eller kvinna?
Jag tycker du gör rätt i att prova kliniken i Gamlastan, bara för att jag fick ett dåligt intryck av kliniken behöver det inte betyda att de är dåliga.
Jag har inte blivit av med mitt hår men det har blivit mycket reducerat, mycket tunnare än förut. Fast eftersom jag har brun hud och inte kan behandla med fullt effektiv styrka så sa man till mig innan jag började att jag skulle behöva minst 10 behandlingar för att bli av med det mesta och efter det underhållsbehandlingar ibland.

Hur är dina resultat från kliniken i Libanon?
Ska du fortsätta att behandla hela kroppen när du går till Gamlastans klinik?

Hur ser håret ut på de områden du har behandlat? Har det växt ut fläckigt eller är det jämt men reducerat?

LAGirl - thanks for the reply.
After 1 week, nothing really happened during/after the spot test. The area that was tested (4 shots to the upper back area) is the same as the larger area that was shaved (ie u couldnt tell that anything was done - the hair is growing back normally and the skin had no reaction)

I guess the girl, decided to use an extremely low seting (15 joules) thinking that Id be happy that my skin was not affected and then decide to move forward with the Lightsheer treatments.

Should i insist for a higher joule setting? If she started with 15 joules without any effects, how high do you think she will increase the settings by? Do the intervals increase significantly or only by a few joules (ie if she started at 15, will she increase by 5 after every treatment or would say 20 be the max setting ever used?)

Shedding takes 2-3 weeks. You should wait until 3 weeks are up to see if shedding has occured. I wouldn’t get LightSheer treatments if your skin can’t handle at least 25 joules. I just don’t think anything less than that will actually kill the hair. So, yes, I would have her raise the settings by a few joules. You should be feeling a feeling of rubber bands snapping against your skin and a bit of pain at least. If you don’t feel anything, it’s a good sign that it’s not working. I would get another test spot done at 25 and 30 joules and see how that goes after 3 weeks. If everything is fine with your skin, then you can do these treatments at those settings.

iranianboySweden jag är en tjej <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> min LightSheer behandling tycker jag gav ett ganska bra resultat. Jag fick först gå på behandlingen o sedan efter 21 dagar gå på en s.k. “Retouch” där de behandlar områden som man har missats. Håret har nu växt ut på de behandlade områden, på mina armar o ben ser jag en del hårfria områden, medan på andra ställen har håret blivit finare. På benen så har inte allt hår växt ut o på vissa ställen ser jag svarta prickar(som när man rakar benen) dessa är antingen döda hårstrån eller hår som inte har växt ut än.

Jag tror säker att resultat hade blivit bättre om jag redan från början hade behandlats med LightSheer. Kliniken i Libanon är mycket profesionella, trevliga personer o bäst av allt är att de är ledande inom områden i mellanöstern. Dessutom behöver man inte oroa sig för den hygieniska faktorn eftersom det är mycket rent.

Jag funderar nu på att byta till laserkliniken i gamlestan eftersom deras packet är mycket prisvärda, 1 timme kostar 2300, jag ska köpa 2h - 2½h per behandlingstillfälle och genomgå 3 behandlingar till. 2h Räcker nog för att behandla hela ben, hela armar, full binkini samt ansikte o magsträng.

Förresten så är IPL mycket billigt i Libanon $500 dollar för hela kroppen, hela ansiktet kostar 100, rygg 200. Men jag valde en dyrare klinik o LightSheer istället för IPL.

Thanks for the advice - really appreciate it.
One last question
At what intervals does the practioner raise the settings by? Do the intervals increase significantly or only by a few joules (i.e. if she started at 15, will she increase by 5 after every treatment or by 1 or 2 joules max?)
And if she started me at 15 joules without any effects, if I were to get another test spot at 25 joules is that too high?

to be safe, go up by 2-3 joules at most. the skin shouldn’t be getting hot. experienced techs can tell if the skin is getting burned while she’s doing it…if your skin can’t handle at least 25 joules, I would go with a Yag laser.