Hello, I’m a 22yr old male. I have a frustrating skin/hair type. My mother is a super light-skinned white girl, and my dad is a thick/dark haired mexican. The result? I’ve got very light/white skin, and very dark/thick body hair. I don’t think it looks too good together. I’m quite self-conscious about it, and haven’t gone swimming in ages! I would like to be able to take my shirt off and not feel so insecure, but I just can’t. I have a lot of thick dark hair on my light skin, and it just looks really bad. If it was a lighter color, or less, I could probably deal with it. I’ve tried several approaches to the problem. I’ve shaved my chest/stomach hair using a razor when I was younger, but the result was very bad. Even after just shaving, you could clearly see the black hair just beneath the skin, so I had block dots on my stomach. I tried tweezing, but I don’t have 2hrs a day to dedicate to such a task. Something I had minimal success with (and unfortunately it was the best I’ve had) was trimming down fairly short (not all the way down) and then bleaching the hair. Then I could get a fairly ok look going for about one day before you would see the new dark hair growing in, which looks quite odd.
Does anybody have any suggestions?? I’ve thought about something like laser hair removal, but I’m not really interested in looking light a bald 12yr old swimmer. I think people would know I used a laser procedure if they saw me like that, and I don’t know how people would respond. I don’t know if they can lighten hair with lasers (I’m thinking not). I don’t have a bad physical build, but I’m not very muscular. When I’ve experimented by shaving or trimming my hair down I just look like a big white squishy guy. I guess I could improve my physical build though, and less hair could be motivation.
Any ideas? I’ve got a fair amount of hair on my abdomen around my belly button, and up to my chest. Is it wrong for me to stress about this? What do girls think of guys that look like this? What about when I get married someday? Wouldn’t ongoing maintenance be a little awkward with a wife around? I dunnno!
~ Chris.