LHR on sideburn area +some chin (male) questions

Hi all,
I am a 23 year old male, Asian, Type IV skin with really dark, coarse facial hair. I am looking to have sideburns (below ear) and some chin (the outer edges) + a small neck area below chin. My goal is to remove the shadow appearance (even after shaving), if the hair comes lighter and softer that is okay. I have visited several clinics with couple more lined up. I am leaning toward doing the treatment (from what I’ve read it seems the Yag laser is appropriate).

  1. Is the Sciton Yag laser (1064) more appropriate than the Lumenis Lighsheer diode? I’d prefer a laser that really targets the dark coarse hair, not fine hair.
  2. Some posters have mentioned problems with patchy regrowth, Do regrowth occur as dark and coarse hair?
  3. I also have villus hair on my face. Is it possible for the laser Yag to induce growth of more hair? That is my biggest concern, more coarse and dark hair in new regions.
  4. Is it more important to have someone with good experience than simply having an MD perform the procedure? One laser center I particularly liked because the esthetician was patient, thorough, knowledgeable. She showed me the laser and worked me through the treatment procedure. And it will the same person (her) treating me at each session.
  5. What resources should I look into to get a better understanding of laser settings? How are settings decided and how do I know if the settings chosen works for me

Thank you to all posters on this forum for contributing valuable experience and information.

No laser will target fine hair. A yag laser sounds about right for you, but Sciton is not the best YAG laser on the market. Lightsheer needs to be used correct technic (compression) for it to work well. Patchy regrowth can appear as dark, coarse hair and usually does and yes, vellus hairs can be stimulated to grow especially on a woman’s face.

Medical doctors are not always the most knowledgeable. Doctors are very busy people and cannot take the time to talk to you as a laser technician specialist could do. The person that has performed many laser treatments is the best choice. The one who answers questions that you already know the answers to is the best because you have read hairtell. That is the one to entrust your skin and hair to.

Our dear posters Choice and Lagirl could help you with laser settings as best as possible. After all, this is the internet and no one can see you. Read the Laser Faq’s.


Sciton is a YAG. Dee, I disagree…it’s a decent YAG. GentleYAG is better, but Sciton is not bad. LightSheer is a diode and could be ok on your skin type too, but Yag is a bit less powerful, so better for treating only coarse hair.

You’re going to subject yourself to potential stimulation of finer hair no matter what. So if you are really concerned with that, either don’t treat anywhere close to that area or don’t treat at all.

Patchiness can be an issue, especially when you’re being selective on the areas on your face like this. There is no guarantee things will look even or will blend in together. You could end up finishing with electrolysis to even things out.

I would recommend considering electrolysis from the start too. That would avoid all those issues and you can target only the hairs that you want to remove.

Most MDs don’t perform LHR. And they’re not the most knowledgeable on it. You need someone who’s been doing it all day every day for years.

You really shouldn’t be figuring out the settings yourself. But you can ask them what they’re planning to use and post here so that we can say whether they’re strong enough. It’s different for every person. Generally, you want large spot size, high joules, and low pulse width.

I know that the Sciton is a Yag and to repeat what I said:

Meaning, the GentleYag is a better Yag. I should have added that last part to leave no uncertainty. :slight_smile:

Oh, and Edward900, your thank you’s mean a lot to all of us. You are very welcome.

Thank you for your responses dfahey and LAgirl. I have couple follow-up q’s if you don’t mind. Is there a difference between fine hair vs. vellus hair? Is patch regrowth due to the hairs that were in the dormant phase during the laser treatment? Once the dark coarse hair is effectively treated, what sort of regrowth in those areas should I expect after a year or two (I am under the impression that regrowth might occur, but are usually finer in texture and lighter)? For areas with few dark coarse hairs and some fine hair, it is better to get electrolysis than laser, correct?

Thanks again :slight_smile:

Laser doesn’t work on either vellus or fine hair. Hair needs to be coarse and dense for laser. A few coarse hairs wouldn’t is not dense coarse hair, so no laser. Laser also can’t give you precision you need. It really doesn’t sound like laser is the right method for you, so I would start researching electrolysis. Leave laser for large areas with dense coarse growth where precision is not needed like underarms or legs.

Patchiness is mostly due to missing areas, i.e. not overlapping properly. On a male beard, it can also be an issue due to extremely dense growth.

That’s too general of a question about regrowth. That depends on too many factors including number of treatments, area treated, etc. Generally, whatever is killed doesn’t grow back at all. If you see any hair 1-2 years later, that’s NEW hair your body produced.

Thanks again LAgirl. I don’t think I was clear in describing the areas I am interested in treating. My sideburns have significant amount of dense, coarse, and dark hair. That is the area I am most interested in treating. But electrolysis definitely sounds to be a better option if I am looking to have specific hairs done. Luckily I found some recommended clinics in my area on the forum and will book some appointments. Is there a link available for general info electrolysis on this forum like the FAQ you have about laser? Or am I not looking hard enough?

I wrote the FAQs myself. Unfortunately, there isn’t one for electrolysis yet…the electrologists on the forum are busy! But hopefully, one will be created soon.

You should just read through some threads on the electrolysis forum. You’ll find a lot of the same questions asked, so you can learn that way.

Yes, if you need precision and shaping, laser is not a good option.