I chose to have treatment at Merrill Cosmetics, located in the Kansas City metropolitan area of Missouri. The machine used on me there is a GentleLASE. In the treated areas, I have light skin and very dark, course hair.
Treatment #1:
Received today, 11/15/08.
I forgot to ask which setting were used. We did do test spots. The first setting that she attempted is what we went with, after waiting several minutes, and then seeing the appearance of redness and inflammation. My nurse said that this indicates effectiveness of the laser. We proceeded with this setting throughout the underarms and brazilian treatment.
I had a numbing cream applied, which was a mix of three topical anesthetics (the only one I can remember is Lidocaine.) This seemed to really help. I had previously done LHR on my upper lip, and not used a numbing agent. I know that upper lip is probably a more sensitive area, but, this treatment seemed not only tolerable at the worst but also almost completely undetectable in the apparently more numb areas. The cream was applied 45 minutes prior to treatment.
Some burning right after treatment was felt in the general areas that were done. I took this as a positive sign that the treatments had been effective. Now many hours later, I have no pain, only some strange “catching” of my hair on my clothes, like velcro, which is a little irritating, but not painful really.
I am scheduled to return for a touch-up in two weeks.