Legitimate electrolysis machines on eBay part 2

Go up to the Search button, input med-lite then click 1 year.


Thanks, Mantaray.

There’s another legitimate unit on e-bay - a Clarablend Ultrabend.

It sounds good (the picture is a stock photo, so you don’t know what the actual unit looks like) but if you need any parts, or service, Texas Electrolysis Supply will take care of you.

If any electrologists or others out there in hairtell land is in need of an Ultra Clareblend, I know of a person that is willing to sell her machine. I will vouch for her and can tell you truthfully that it has never been used. It comes with the original box and everything. She has not practiced electrolysis since she graduated, but did buy things needed to start a business. She now wants to start up her practice and I convinced her to buy one of my Sil-Tone VMC (I own two)so I can mentor her and help her get going. We need good electrologists serving people, so I’m excited to pass anything I can along to her.


OK - the unit did not include a manual so this won’t be complete, but here’s a quick overview of a Puppis TG-5100 for anyone interested…

Manufacturer: Pop Electronics
Distributor: Beplus

The machine came equipped as follows:

Banana plug socket for client electrode
RCA plug for anaphoresis/cataphoresis roller (Operatable using either footswitch)
Two BNC connectors for probes.
Banana plug socket for “Probe test” - I don’t know what this is for.
Galvanic pedal connector
HF pedal connector

All cables and pedals except for “Probe test”

Session timer: 0 to 60 minutes in 15 minute increments
Beep volume: high / middle / Low
Anaphoresis & cataphoresis mode selectors (25.86V).
Probe selector relay switch.
Air pump switch: Auto / on / off

Treatment timer:
1 to 20 seconds for blend mode in one second increments.
0.1 to 2 seconds for flash mode in .1 second increments.

Galvanic current adjuster: 0-2mA/s (25.5V) (Also calibrated for units of lye for use in auto blend mode.)

HF adjuster: 0-10 (unknown units -I have no spectroscope)

Manual blend mode:
Pedals actuate galvanic current and HF. The pedals can be pressed and do work in any combination or sequence. The current remains on as long as the corresponding pedal is pressed. A beep sounds after the time set using the treatment timer has elapsed from the most recent press.

Normal auto blend:
Either pedal turns on both galvanic current and HF, both of which stay on for whatever time the treatment time has been set. The galvanic current amperage is automatically adjusted to generate the selected units of lye within the set treatment time. Test mode indicates that the HF appears to remain constant at whatever strength it’s been set to.

Fuzzy auto blend:
Same as normal auto blend, except that the galvanic amperage pulsates instead of remaining constant. The amperage fluctuation appears to be about 30%. (Using just a multimeter limits one’s accuracy.)

Test button: Shows current amperage and HF settings. Must be pressed after the machine is switched on or the pedals won’t do anything. This looks like a safety feature.

That’s about it. The manual mode leaves a bit to be wished for, in that the galvanic and HF times cannot be set individually. However, since the power remains on as long as the pedal is being pressed it should be possible to install individual timers on the cables for more accuracy if necessary. Overall it should fill my needs.

I do want to know what the HF units are and am trying to source a manual.

Here’s an Instantron Elite.

Here’s a nice machine. It can get the job done well and it’s fairly easy to use. Don’t worry about missing cables. All that can be ordered from Texas Electrology Supply; ground, probe holder, cataphoresis roller if you want one. I’d follow it, under $500 or $600 and it’s a great deal.

Silhouet Tone SB-8 Servo Blend series


Is this any good? I’ve been trying to buy a galvanic machine/thermolysis machine, start out with galvanic, then work my way into slow thermolysis but every time I bid on a machine I get outbid at the last minute.

What ever this machine goes for, the winner will need to add a proper electrolysis probe/needle holder to the set up, as this was an electronic tweezer scam device when used as directed. It is also a galvanic only machine.

What you want is a blend machine so you can start with galvanic only, work your way up to blend, and then switch to thermolysis when you are ready.

That machine’s a crock. Stay away. Although the inventive person may be able to rig it to work with a probe, there are better, cheaper, safer ways to get that done. This is a machine that was designed to work with patches or tweezers, dusting off that old ‘argument’ of can a hair conduct enough electricity to get the job done at the root/papilla? Answer: No, it can’t. Save your money, keep looking. The worthy machines come up, and they are there. The SB-8 just recently went for $172, that was a prime steal. Someone got a decent machine for a low price. The Sequentium 328 that just recently went for $932 was actually a good price for that machine, although a beginner would balk at the $900 plus price tag.

Currently, there’s another Fischer at $1,500 (too much), and a Silhouet Tone Sequential Program SEQ-1 Sequential Program here
for $2,000 dollars. This is a very good, flexible, extras laden machine, but it’s too much. I think that seller waited until the Sequentium 328 closed out to sell. For that amount the Apilus Senior II or SM-400 is a better choice. The Sequentium, which is a better machine, went at $932. So just wait. They come along and just get pro treatments and read electrolysis books in the meanwhile.

Maybe put out a Want It Now ad, or search Craigslist in the New York / Ontario area. Good luck. Let us know.


As a public service, here is some info on some great equipment offered for sale outside of Ebay.

Silhouette-Tone Sequentium, 7 yrs old-never used $900
Apilus Jr., -gently used $800
Berkaline magnifier $50
Treatment table with wooden legs $80
2 Gad-about trollys $40@
Treatment chair $40
Various white carts $40@

Call Polly at 703-556-8868 office, 703-472-6616 cell

Here’s the very same Silhouet Tone Sequential Program (SEQ-1) for sale at half the price of the last listing. This time they want $1,000.
Silhouet Tone Sequential Program

Still just slightly too much. But me? Personally I think this is a great machine, it just a little weak in the flash mode department. It can still do it, but not as good as the Sequentium listed by James right above this post. At $100 less, that’s a bit better machine. Although the two machines are very close and similar to each other.

There’s also an older Blendtone here:


But, these machines aren’t as user friendly to the newbie. At at least $350, it could be a good buy, it’s a matter if the new user wanted to educate themselves enough to use it safely.


Here’s a really good machine, an Apilus Senior.

Apilus Senior

This is an excellent machine for DIY. This machine would quite readily pay for itself in a matter of a few improved sessions by the operator, and could be resold at the same, if not more, cost that it was purchased for. $1000 is still reasonable for this machine. However, the drawback is that not only is this seller Canadian, but only has 9 ‘buys’ on ebay. Not a real sure bet. Paypal is the way to go with this transaction.


Why does the seller state, “Will not sale/ship to Nigeria” ? What the heck might that mean?


Lots of scammers in Nigeria.

They send you a certified bank check for more than the item cost saying they don’t know what the shipping will be and want to make sure you have enough money, you deposit the check and send them a refund of the difference in the cost of item plus shipping, and it takes up to 6 weeks to find out the check is a fraud. Then they have both the money, and the item. You lose out on the item AND pay returned item fees for depositing a bad financial instrument at your bank. :frowning:

Thanks for the expla. There are some pretty smart people in Nigeria. Never would have thought of that one. I would think this could happen anywhere though because “cheaters” live everywhere. I just thought it was strange to single out one country.

You could not get away with this in the USA, because it would not take that long for the check to be revealed as a fraud. A check from Nigeria would initially appear to clear, and would then be “ReCollected” 6 weeks after initial acceptance.

You don’t see Apilus SX-500’s too often:

Apilus SX-500


It says this listing is unavailable. I would grab this one for sure. You are right this is a rare sighting,but did someone already buy it!!

either ebay cancelled it for legal reasons, or the item sold already.