LaserHair Removal (Pics - Warning:1 of Butt Cheek)

Thank you for reading this.

I’m a 23 white female who plans on getting laser hair removal. After going to an doctor (endocrinologist) the conclusion is that it’s most likely just due to genetics and not some internal problem.

Now, I’m starting to do the research on the type of laser I will need and so on and finding a place to do this because I’ve put my sweat in saving up for this and don’t want to waste my money down the drain. I’ve included pictures and if you guys could tell me your opinion of my skin type, type of laser that would be best, power, etc. that you believe I should use. This will be great in serving as a starting point for me and I of course plan on researching this myself but it would really help me a lot in guiding me where to first start looking and give me an idea of what to look for.

If you want to see larger versions of all the pictures scroll all the way down and I’ve included links where you can see larger versions of these pictures.

Thigh/Upper Leg

Lower Leg

Butt Cheek. I apologize if this disgust anyone.

Lower Arm. While dense I don’t think the hair is thick enough for laser here. What do you think?

Another Picture of Arm

Stomach. I don’t know whether laser would work or not on my stomach. It was kind of hard to take good pictures of this area so I included a few. Hair is on my whole stomach including the upper portion

Larger versions of picture


Hi and welcome to the forum. Thanks for the photos. It helps a lot.

Judging by the photos, you’re likely around a type III or so, but you should take a look at the FAQs below and figure out the Fitzpatrick skin type since computer monitors are not identical. If I’m right, you need an alexandrite type of laser like GentleLASE or Apogee.

The hair on your upper and lower legs should get decent results, though it’s not super coarse. I would expect about 70% removal, being conservative.

The other areas don’t really have coarse enough hair for laser. A part of your butt does and very lower part of your stomach does, but for most of the rest you need electrolysis. Arm hair is not coarse enough either and the color seems relatively light too. You’ll need electrolysis for most of that.

maybe the pictures just didn’t come out that well but i think that my legs are a really good candidate. i don’t think the pictures do total justice on the coarseness. i would compare the coarseness to that of pubic hair if it helps. so from looking at the pictures i would just imagine it being a somewhat more coarse than the picture shows. does that change your recommendation at all?

for my butt i would say that in real life it’s more along the lines of what the leg pictures show just less dense.

also for my stomach. i was only considering getting the lower portion of it lasered

Your upper and lower legs will get good results. I was being conservative because they don’t look AS coarse as bikini to me and because the hair is a bit light in color. If you feel they’re really dark and coarse in real like, you can get 95%+ reduction.

The problem witht he butt area is that a lot of it is too sparse, which means you can stimulate more growth if you treat those areas with sparse growth.

Hairy_high, if you shave does it leave a shadow? My upper thighs, for example, look almost as coarse as yours but they don’t leave much of a shadow after a shave. Needless to say, they didn’t shed, as nice as the parts which do leave a shadow.

This will sound like a silly question but were you blond as a child? I know a woman with a similar growth who was very fair as a kid, this could make things harder for laser.

i was not blond as a child. i’m 100% eastern european. my family all have dark hair. my mom has no hair on her body though. my brother is quite hairy, my dad is middle hairy i would say. his sister/my aunt has increased hair growth as well not as bad as me though.

it does leave a shadow. i would be fine with shaving or waxing. however, i would have to shave everyday and the irritation/stubble/red bumps are horrible and my skin looks horrendous. waxing last 1-2 weeks. and the when the regrowth, 3-5 weeks in, happens again red bumps/ingrown just make my skin looks atrocious. instead of temporarily solving the problem is just looks like i have a new skin issue to deal with. i’ve tried to deal with it from recs on this site and others but nothing really helps.

I’m very familiar with the skin reactions you describe, which is why I became interested in laser and electrolysis.

Maybe you could give a reputable place with a good laser a try and see what it does for you. But if money is an issue, like in my case, it may be better to go straight to electrolysis. It’s something everyone must decide individually.

Hi hairy high,

I am in agreement with LAgirl, I think you could get a good reduction on your legs but don’t expect total removal just from Laser. I had very coarse leg hair and achieved excellent results on my lower legs. The front thigh, even though coarse, was less impressive but still enough of a reduction that I only need to wax every 3 months, whereas pre laser it was every 2-3 weeks.

For the bottom, towards the crease where the hair is thicker and dense, I believe Laser would work.

For the rest of the bottom and especially the arms and stomach, electrolysis should get you fantastic results and without the worry of stimulating growth. Even if you tried Laser here, it would only possibly rid you of some of the hairs - much better to put that money towards electrolysis.

For all the coarse growth, i.e. on your legs and lower abdomen, laser would be cheapest and will take less time. For the rest, you’ll need electrolysis. Laser may impact SOME of the hair, but the significant reduction would be achieved with electrolysis. It’s up to you if you want to “test” laser first. I wouldn’t do it on any sparse growth though to avoid induced growth (on any area really).