@herebyfault are you transgendered or a genetic female with PCOS or other hormonal imbalance? If not, Spironolactone isnt going to give you the desired effects.
Spiro is at it’s core two things:
a) a powerful antiandrogen which has the effect of reducing serum testosterone levels, which in a 100 mg dose twice daily is sufficient to drop a genetic males testosterone level to near zero. NOTE! your body cannot maintain itself without SOME sex hormones. So if you are male, and you arent on estrogen as well, long term spironolactone use is a VERY bad idea.In particular you will notice an extreme drop in energy which testosterone provides.
b) a blood pressure medication that lowers your blood pressure considerably. It does this largely by reducing the amount of water in your system, and makes you pee a fair bit. When I was on it, I ALWAYS knew where the nearest bathroom was.
Here’s how this affects hair growth, by reducing the serum testosterone level you reduce the incidence of new hair growth that accompanies testosterone in your system. But , and I need to stress this, IT DOES NOT AFFECT HAIR THAT IS ALREADY GROWING.
The primary side effect comes from the reduced blood pressure, you can get dizzy when standing up suddenly for example.
If you are taking Spironolactone to reduce the incidence of new hair it works very well. Over time , while it wont remove any hair it will thin body hair on the arms and legs. On the face or genital region it has no effect.
On the off chance you ARE transgendered or a genetic female with a hormonal imbalance, you need to know that if you stop taking spironolactone your testosterone levels will go back to normal, and hair stimulation will result.Generally if you are on Spiro you are on it for life.
An alternative to spironolactone is cyproterone. It has an even stronger antiandrogen effect, but not the blood pressure side effect.
As for laser, as fenix has stated large areas shouldnt be an issue, but note that on various parts of the body the results will vary, and often people get patchy results. The arms for example have some areas that are denser than others, and it’s difficult to have laser and have it come out looking natural.
Generally an endocrinologist wont prescribe spironolactone unless you are TG or, have elevated testosterone levels .This is because alll it does, is reduce testosterone levels, if they arent already high, you would be taking on possible side effects with nothing to be gained.
I Did have laser while on Spiro. My results unfortunately werent very good.