Laser type question, Milwaukee, WI area

Hello everyone,

I’ve been a lurker for quite a while but this is my first post. First, my guess is I am right in between a II and III skin type. I have fair skin that can burn easily, but tans moderately too as long as I apply plenty of sun tan lotion. I have dark brown coarse hair that I want reduced on my chest and stomach and I want removed from my shoulders, upper arms and back (it’s more sparse on my back, but the hair that is there is dark and coarse). I live in the Milwaukee, WI area and so far am having trouble finding many Alexandrite practitioners. I’m guessing no one here is from the area, but if they are, I would appreciate any help in finding a qualified practitioner at a decent price.

A quick question… One place I called said they use an Aesthera PPX. Would that work well on my skin type or is that not even a laser and a waste of time?

I live in the Madison WI area and there is a laser place here that offers Candela GentleLase. It’s True Laser and teh website is You can reply to this post or PM me if you have more questions :slight_smile:

Yes, stay away from that machine. It’s mostly a gimmick.

There are definitely more clinics in your area. What are you using to look? Have you tried Google searches? Candela Corporatation website search?

DO NOT treat areas with sparse hair, even if it’s coarse. It can make things worse. Use electrolysis on those areas.