Laser sheer duet setting - starting treatment.

Hey everyone.
I’m Eliel from Israel.
I’ve always thought about removing my body hair.
I finally decided to sigh up for a treatment at the biggest laser clinic in Israel, I’ve read alot of reviews and overall its sound pretty professional.

So I took a package of 10 treatments of full back, shoulders, scruff and upper hand And 5 treatments of chest and full stomach.
They use laser sheer, laser sheer duet and soprano devices in the clinic.
My treatment is with the laser sheer duet which has good review (even from this forum)

I’m 23 years old, skin type is somewhere across II-III. My hair type is very thick, coarse and dark black.

So I׳ve already had 2 treatments 1 on chest and stomach and another on full back. Next week is shoulders, upper hand and scruff. .

I’m kinda suspicious about the clinic, when I tried to ask them about the setting they had used the answers were pretty blur, the operator said that they had used 8 joules and something about 22-32mm.

To be honest I don’t know alot about the device and its setting.
I would like to know what’re the best setting they should use in order to get the best results
If anyone can clear things up I will appreciate it
Moreover, I would like to know what’s a good resault after a treatment. Right now I have lots of red itching dots all over my skin where the hair roots are trying to grow through. I guess it’s because of the shaving. Is that ok? Does my hair need to fall off?

I hope you’ll understand what I’m trying to say, sorry for my bad english.

Have a nice day! :slight_smile:

HI Eliel.

I had removal done with the Lightsheer Duet, full back and shoulders. Unfortunately, I did not experience the same red dotted effects. However, I did have removal on my neck and did have these red dots, which ended up being a type of follicle infection. I ended up needed some medication for it to clear up, which it did 100%.

I’m not a doctor or a laser expert, so maybe someone else can add to this and give you more direction, but this is coming from someone with direct experience.

As a side, I had a posted asking about chest and stomach removal, wanting some feedback. Would love it if you could share your success/story with the treatment on your chest/stomach, pics would be gratefully appreciate if you were comfortable doing so.

Here is a link to my post:

Hey. Thanks for yor reply.

So guys I’m gonna get a treatment next week and I would like to know the setting I should be using.
They told me they use 12j max. Tho when we used 8J I felt the pain very much.
I do not know what ms they used. If someone can explain it to me and how the ms setting works.

Please guys it’s kinda urgent. Thanks!

No one? :((

After reading the information on the website, I decided go to laser salon) I did laser hair removal under the armpits and bikini. The first month after the treatment the hair did not grow, then began to grow a little bit but it is very thin and sparse. To date made ​​five sessions, under the arms ceased to shave at all, there is growing three hairs), and in the bikini area hair is thin, but they are much smaller than before. Honestly, it’s very painful! When it is absolutely impossible to tolerate thay start blow the cold air) Well the whole procedure takes about 20 minutes and the pain after it passes quickly.

You don’t mention which machine they used. I’m not familiar with Duet settings if that’s what they used. But you should only be treating areas with coarse dense growth and you should be feeling pain during zaps. At 3 weeks, everything treated should shed. We don’t recommend to sign up for so many large areas before you have had a chance to test things out on one area and make sure they’re doing things right and you’re at least seeing shedding.