Laser or electrolysis in my case...


I have the choice between fast thermolys on a Sequentium VMC or a DEKA Synchro REPLA:Y Premium 2.4 for the scrotum (i’m 21 years old). I don’t know which method is the best due to the color / Density of my hairs. 1 hour of electrolysis cost to me 111E with 30g EMLA whereas a laser cost 130E for genitals, basic brazilian, perianal and buttocks.

Here is some pics of my hairs : LINK (18+)

What do you think ?

Laser is definitely better because its much faster. After about 6-8 sessions of laser on the genital area you should have a good reduction. Go for a proper laser such as alexandrite type lasers rather than IPL which is not a true laser. Then switch to electrolyse to finish the awkward hairs off.

Unless I have become colorblind, your hair is blonde (amelanotic). As I have understood, the laser would not work for this reason.

But the doc inspected me and said it was ok for laser…

I had both laser and electrolysis and I’m telling you, laser will not remove a single strand of hair on you permanently because your hair is opposite of thick or dark. Most doctors/dermatologists/plastic surgeons have very limited experience in hair removal. They buy laser machines and take a weekend seminar on how to operate it. They don’t teach hair removal in medical schools. I have no stake in either laser or electrolysis. I’m actually grateful that laser gave me hair reduction on my body. But good news for you is that you don’t have a lot of hair in that area, so clearing it with electrolysis should not be a challenge or end up costing astronomical.

Completely agree with what Josefa and fenix have said.

I don’t know why but recently it seems a lot of newer posters don’t want to ‘hear’ the reality when they ask for opinions/advice.

As long as the electrologist you will be seeing kills follicles, you will be done in no time. If in doubt, have a test patch done.

Electrolysis is the way to go for you. I was told by my GP doctor that electrolysis wasn’t permanent and laser was the only solution for EVERYONE. Turns out, neither of these things were true. As stated by fenix, not many doctors know the ins and outs of hair removal.

Lasers really target the pigment of the hair, melanin. Best for light skin and dark course hair. From what I understand, Blonde hair just doesn’t have any to target.

Go for electrolysis! And good luck :slight_smile:

Thanks for your advices i’m going to do electrolysis so

Hi everyone, i see a new electrolyst now, i’ve done a 1 hour session 12 days ago, how to know if it was effective to be sure that i continue with her.

Thanks you

You will ideally need longer period to assess the success of your treatments. So far you should look at things like were the hairs sliding out or were you feeling them plucked out, how is the area healing - did you have any scabbing, how big in diameter were the scabs, how long it took to heal. Was an area cleared completely or did your electrologist tone the area down? If it was cleared, can you see any new growth (it’s very early for that but worth checking).
Ideally you would want to wait 3-4 months to see how much growth you get to assess the reduction. But to do that fairly it also depends on what method of hair removal, if any, did you use prior to starting electrolysis, and how long did you not remove the hair for before first electrolysis treatment.