Laser in London


Okay so I have coarse hair on my legs (I am female by the way). I don’t have dark skin, but I have black hair. I’d say knee downwards is as described.

Also I have MANY hairs on my arm which are black but they are thin and long, is this not good for laser? I assume it will take ages for an electrolygist to go through.

Does anyone have any recommendations for laser in London in the UK?

Take care y’all.

You need laser for your lower legs. Please read our FAQs at the link below. “Light” skin is relative. There is a scale which determines what laser type you need.

Yes, laser can’t affect thin hair. You need electrolysis for it. There is no other permanent method of removal for that type of hair. It’s not that slow with a good electrologist using a fast method, i.e. about 5-10 hairs per minute. See the electrolysis forum here.

Run a search for London. There are several people from there on the forum who have recommended clinics.

Thank you, I’m running a search now LAgirl.